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She opened her eyes lazily because the alarm was ringing, and immediately she could tell that the bed was empty. Neji rarely got up first, that was strange. She headed to take a shower and as she ate breakfast, she found it even stranger to discover that he neither was in the apartment. She finished getting dressed and as she checked her phone, she saw the message congratulating her on her 34th birthday and telling her that he would pick her up at the end of her work day so they could go to dinner together. Although it didn't say where they were going she checked her outfit, that dress would work for her if the restaurant was fancy. She grabbed her purse and got on the elevator to go to the basement.

Since they had been going for about 6 months they alternated which apartment they stayed in, but on the trip to London they talked it over, and as soon as they got back she had moved in completely with Neji. Her own place was now university housing for students who came from other towns and couldn't afford rent. Time had flown by and they had already been together for 2 years and a little over 1 month.

News? Her rumor had vanished, no one had questioned her private life since they were a couple, and although that seemed to her extremely sexist, she didn't complain, especially because on more than one occasion they had been seen very affectionate trying to escape from some boring meeting. So a new rumor was circulating, and it was that he couldn't keep his hands off her and that seemed horrible, unfair and inaccurate, she didn't want to stop touching him either.

Although it wasn't to Hiashi's complete liking, Neji had accepted the teaching job, he was good at teaching what was important in the practice of the profession, and how to help bring equity from what was done day to day, and the university had already expanded his classes, now he was also teaching some Civil Law subjects. And of course, he was even better at explaining how to raise her grade when she came to visit him in his office.

Temari had had a boy, Shikadai. Of which she was godmother, he was identical to his father but had the mother's eye color, and the mother kept grumbling about how little resemblance he bore to her family. The couple still behaved pretty much alike but it was obvious that they loved to argue with each other and were happy with the little boy who was running around the house, and who was already babbling his first words.

At lunchtime she went out with Kankuro, who had called her the day before to invite her, and after laughing for a while at the words he had used, remembering the beginning of their relationship, she accepted. While they ate she listened to him, things with Aiko were tense as the woman wanted them to move in together and he wasn't sure. Complaining that he had never had that dilemma, while they were together beyond sharing vacation, she was never born such a thing and because of his lifestyle it clearly wouldn't have worked, but now he was a bit more serious... or well, apparently he was finally faithful.

At work she was researching a process that had come to her that day, nothing complicated it seemed, but she was still going over everything with tweezers. Kiba and the others bought a cake to eat together, the firm continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and they had already had to move to a larger space. But they were still near to the courthouse.

She was biting a pencil when Neji entered her office, it was a few minutes before the end of the day so while he was waiting, he helped her read the case, making some comments about it that she appreciated, she would review them the next day. They left the place and in the car she could see that something had him disturbed.

The restaurant was on the outskirts of the city, the table was on a small private balcony for them. They had dinner talking very little and she saw him drinking more wine than he usually did, so she left her own glass aside, sure that she would drive back. The meal ended and she was about to ask him what was wrong when he finally seemed to gather momentum.

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