Chapter 10

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There were always two EMTs on duty at the concert in case of any injuries among the acts or the concertgoers. When they saw Lauren fall to the floor, they rushed to her aid. She quickly regained consciousness and was helped back stage. After some questioning, Lauren admitted she only had a salad and some water early in the morning and hadn’t eaten anything the rest of the day. She was made to eat a sandwich and drink juice, and the EMTs informed everyone that she didn’t need to be transported to the hospital.

“I called your parents,” Andrea stated to Lauren. “They want you to call them.”

“I’ll call them in a little bit,” replied Lauren.

“They also tasked me with making sure you receive professional help.”

Lauren responded, “I don’t need help. It won’t happen again.”

Andrea sighed, “You’re seeing someone even if it means I have to drag you there.”

“Nothing against you Mama Drea, but I’m an adult, and no one can make me do anything.”

“Lauren, eating disorders are nothing to play around with.”

“I don’t have an eating disorder,” Lauren responded. “I tried to go on a crash diet, and it was stupid. It won’t happen again.”

“Okay-,” Andrea stopped talking to watch Dinah run across the room with her hand over her mouth. “Normani, what is wrong with Dinah?”

Normani shrugged her shoulders. “She said she was feeling nauseous earlier.”

“You girls are going to give me a heart attack.” Andrea placed her hand over the left side of her chest and shook her head.

Ally flew to New York to audition for a play. She hopped into a taxi and rode her hotel to check in and drop off her luggage. Afterward, she caught a cab to a studio apartment in Manhattan where the audition was being held. Ally was buzzed in, took the elevator to the 15th floor, walked down the hallway to apartment #1512, and rung the doorbell.

A tall man with medium brown hair opened the door with a smile. “Hey, you must be Ally. I’m Eric Jacks, the director. Come in.”

Ally walked into the studio apartment and looked around in awe at its extravagance. “Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to audition for this part. I have to say, your apartment is so beautiful.”

“Thank you, and so are you.” Eric winked at Ally.

Ally blushed and inquired, “Is anyone else going to be here?”

Eric responded, “No, I make all of the casting decisions for my plays alone. I’m very particular about these things. Would you like any water?”

“No thank you,” said Ally.

“Okay, then we can get started. Because this is a sitting scene, you can have a seat over there if you wish.” Eric pointed to a white couch to his right.

Ally sat on the couch placing her purse down and recited the lines. She felt very confident about her audition, and waited for feedback from Eric. Eric sat silent for a moment as if her were in deep thought and started, “You were good.” Ally smiled. “But…..there were others who were better.”

“Oh.” A disappointed look formed on Ally’s face.

“Don’t lose hope. There are other ways you can land this role.”

“How?” Ally questioned.

Eric got up from his seat and walked up to Ally. He placed his hand on the side of her head and started caressing her face and her neck.


“Shhh.” Eric leaned in to kiss Ally and she ducked.

“I’m leaving,” declared Ally in a shaky voice. She grabbed her purse off the couch and made her way to the door.

As Ally was walking, Eric called out to her, “Ally, this is how you get ahead in this business. If you change your mind, you know how to reach me.”

The petite woman didn’t let Eric’s words stop her, and she headed right out of his door without looking back.

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