Chapter 13

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Over the next several months, the former members of Fifth Harmony stayed busy. Ally started doing voice over work for a princess character in a Disney movie. Camila released more singles that had moderate success. LDN released more singles that were very successful. Dinah was able to finish the tour without any problems because it ended before her second trimester. Dinah and Lauren managed not to argue because they were avoiding each other. Lauren apologized to Dinah and Dinah accepted, but maintained her stance that they were no longer friends. Normani was put in the awkward position of having to spend time with the two separately.

It was February 2017 and LDN, Ally, and Camila were going to the Grammy Awards. LDN was nominated in the Best New Artist, Best R&B Performance, Best R&B Song, and Best Urban Contemporary Album categories. Camila was nominated in the Best Pop Solo Performance category. The Glee soundtrack was nominated for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media.

Ally and LDN had met up in the red carpet area and started talking until a familiar face walked up.

"Hey, everyone," said Camila shyly.

The other women's faces looked like they had seen a ghost. Ally was the first one to say something. "Hi, Camila! It's been so long. Give me a hug." The two women embraced like they had found a long lost family member.

The members of LDN stared as Camila and Ally pulled apart. "Oh, my god Dinah. How far along are you?" asked Camila.

Dinah hesitated and answered. "I'm 6 months along."

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

"Nela and I decided we wanted it to be a surprise."

Camila held out her arms and Dinah walked to her so they could hug. After they broke apart, Camila looked at Normani and Lauren nervously. "I just wanted to apologize to you all. I not only apologize for hiding my record deal, but I also want to apologize for being a coward and not having the guts to tell you all what happened and to say sorry."

Normani walked up to Camila and hugged her. "The Bible says to forgive and forget. We're sisters and sometimes sisters fall out, but we will always be family." Camila gave her a smile.

Lauren rolled her eyes and injected herself into the reunion with a grin on her face, "I guess I can forgive you, but only if you forgive me for being a brat. What you did was wrong, but the way I responded was childish." Ally, Dinah, and Normani's faces were covered with the astonishment of having witnessed Lauren admit that she was wrong about something.

"Of course I do, but I don't think you have anything to be sorry about. Let's just put this all behind us?" responded Camila.

Lauren hugged Camila. "It's all forgotten."

Ally spoke to Camila. "Hey, we're going to Diddy's after party. Are you going?"

Camila scrunched up her face. "You know I hate parties, but I would love to hang out with all of you some time."

"Yeah, we can all set up a date soon," Normani replied.

"Okay, I'm going to go walk the red carpet, take those dreaded pictures, and head to my seat. It was really nice seeing you all," stated Camila.

All of the women said their goodbyes and hugged once more before separating.

LDN won Best R&B Song, but that was the only award any of the former members of Fifth Harmony took home for the night. Normani was talking to Dinah after the show. "Come on. It's a Diddy party. Just check it out for half an hour. This might be a once in a lifetime thing."

Dinah scowled, "Girl, my feet, and I just want to go to bed. I'm heading back to the hotel."

"Okay, but you're going to regret this in the morning."

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