Chapter 6 - The Queen

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Antonio showed me into a room and Julie followed silently behind. The room seemed like a study with a fireplace and two arm chairs placed in the middle separated by an end table.

"Please wait here," Antonio requested before leaving the room with Julie. He left me...alone. The crackle of the fire was the only thing I could hear and it seemed so comforting. I walked over to the two recliners and felt the silky fabric. The jet lag was really starting to set in and it took everything in my power not to sink into one of the chairs and close my eyes if only for a second...

I sighed and turned away from the chairs and glanced at something shiny across the room. I walked over and noted that a golden candle holder had caught my eye. I picked it up and used the little light I had from the fireplace to check my reflection. I didn't look good enough to be presented to a queen. I was so dead! She was going to see me, think I was trash, and throw me out. My first few hours here and my reputation would already be terrible.

"Francesca?" a raspy voice called out from behind. I turned around with the candlestick still in hand only to be faced with an old woman who was smiling widely. I gave her a small smile in return but had no idea what to say.

"You look so much like your mother," she commented in a whisper. I stood dumbfounded as I admired the woman. She had many wrinkles obviously from her many years and wore no crown. She didn't have a single jewel on her in fact, and her dark blue eyes (similar to my own) looked very tired. This woman couldn't be the Queen.

"Are you going to hit your grandmother?" she asked amused and interrupting my thoughts. I looked at the candlestick holder in my hand and laughed nervously as I set it down. "Come my dear, let's sit," my grandmother suggested as she motioned toward the chairs. She sunk in to one and I gently sat in the other, afraid to let my full weight down so I didn't pass out right in front of her.

"I'm sure you have many questions for me," my grandmother stated with all the patience in the world. "Can you speak?" she spoke when I didn't respond making me realize that I hadn't spoken a single word to her yet.

I nodded and she chuckled lightly. "Yes," I insisted. My grandmother nodded then pursed her lips as if she was deep in thought.

"Are questions, Francesca?" she inquired as another silence filled over us.

I felt oddly pressured by her gaze. "What do...I call you?"

The elderly woman laughed loudly. "Well I suppose that is a question that needs answered. What would you like to call me?"

"Madame Violetta?" I suggested since I knew her by no other name.

"No, no, that won't do. It's much too formal for family. Shall we go with Grandma V? I've always wished to be called "Grandma"." she proposed.

"Okay...Grandma V," I said awkwardly as I played with my fingers. "I'm not sure what to say to you."

Grandma was amused at my statement. "Would you like some tea?"

"You British people actually do that?" I wondered aloud amazed.

Grandma smiled again. "I believe your stay here will be quite the adventure for you." Grandma V rang a small bell and a young lady entered the room. Grandma requested two cups of tea and with a little bow, the lady was gone.

"Everyone's so formal here," I commented.

Grandma looked over at me surprised. "We like keeping our old culture. Everyone respects people in power."

I gave her a curious expression. Was she implying that she was in power? People bowed to me; did that mean I was in some sort of power? Impossible as I had just gotten here. My thoughts were interrupted when the lady reappeared with a silver tray and a lovely china tea set. The lady gave a little bow once again and left the room.

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