Chapter 5 - The Boys

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My wrist started to feel sore before Julie let go of my hand. She seemed to have a million ants in her pants and she just couldn't keep still.

"You don't know how long I've waited for another girl my age to come around here," she gushed as she pushed open a set of double doors. As soon as the wooden doors were opened, sunlight fled inside. I stepped out into the green garden and inhaled the flowery scent. There was a nice cobblestone path that led to a fountain not too far ahead. Yellow marigolds, purple lilacs, blue tulips, and even white and red roses bordered the path which made everything look brighter.

"Come on, I'll show you the fountain," Julie insisted and I skipped a head of her a little before she could grab my wrist again. We both walked slowly and listened to the chirping of the birds and the buzz of the bees. Off of the path was the greenest grass I had ever seen and an occasional tree was planted here and there.

"These are our apple blossoms, and they'll be harvestable soon." Julie explained. As we neared the fountain, we could hear the steady flow of the water. Julie was quietly humming to herself until we reached our destination.

"You can sit here on the ledge," she offered as she sat first. I admired the circular bottom of the fountain. In the middle of the circle was a statue of a woman holding a basket up to the sky. Water was falling from the basket back down into the main circular part.

"What's it mean?" I wondered aloud.

Julie looked over her shoulder at the statue of the woman. "Wilkenshire is known for producing the best Apple Wine."

"Apple Wine? I've never heard of that," I stated clearly astonished.

"It's not very popular in America but this statue represents our offerings to the god of wine," Julie explained and I nodded mechanically.

Silence fell over us and only the trickle of the water (and Julie's humming) could be heard until I broke the silence.

"Where are you and your father from?"

"Italy," Julie annouced proudly. "I don't remember it much but my father started working for your grandmother after I was 3 and we moved here. I've grown up in this country."

I nodded at a loss for a topic to discuss. At least I knew where Antonio's accent was from and that Antonio worked for my grandmother.

"Miss Juliette?" a voice called from my left.

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's Julliet-ta!" Julie said standing up. A boy probably not much younger than me looked up at her with a frighten expression.

"Your fa-father wishes to sp-speak with you," the boy stuttered. Julie rolled her eyes as I joined her in standing. The boy looked over at me and gulped.

"Alone," he added. I sat back down and looked to Julie for guidance.

"You'll be alright by yourself for a few minutes, right?" she questioned. I nodded to her again and she let the boy lead her away. I sighed as everything really became quiet for the first time since I entered the garden and though everything was beautiful out here it still felt weird to be alone. I stretched my legs realizing that even though I spent a large portion of my day sitting, I felt exhausted.

"I'm telling you that today is the day!" a very male voice announced.

My head snapped in the direction of the sound but I couldn't see anyone over the many bushes, flowers, and trees.

"Either way, it doesn't matter to us," a second and deeper male voice replied.

My curiosity rose as I stood to look around for the owners of the voices but found no one. I walked around the fountain until I could see two men walking through the grass and speaking to each other.

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