Chapter 15 - The Embrace

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I was led back to my room where I was left alone to take a hot shower. After getting dressed in thick clothing, a maid was sent in with hot chocolate. I looked at the girl who was serving me as I put my wet hair into a bun. 

"Thank you," I muttered as she handed me a mug complete with tiny marshmallows. 

The girl nodded to me and started to leave but before she did she added, "The Queen is on her way to meet with you." 

I sunk down in an armchair as I cuddled up with my hot chocolate. I pinched the bridge of my nose as the image of what my grandmother disappointed face appeared in my head. After a long silence in the room, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I didn't have time to shout out before Grandma V welcomed herself and silently took a seat across from me. I kept my eyes downcast afraid of the scolding that was to come. 

She drew in a long breath and began, "I apologize."  

"What?" I'm sure the shock was written all over my face. "You have not done anything." 

"I expected so much of you," Grandma explained sadly. "I pushed you into doing something you were clearly not ready to do. I should not have forced you to compete in this competition. You only just recently learned of your royal heritage and it was inappropriate to think that you could accept this challenge so easily. I suppose that I was so pleased with having an eligible heir that I had forgotten all about the precautions. I am a selfish old woman. I do hope you can forgive me." 

I shook my head as I set down my hot chocolate mug on a nearby table. 

"I wanted to compete. It's true that I may not have been ready to swim but I lived in New Jersey and never went out to the community pool. It's my own fault for thinking I could take on this challenge. I should have known better," I argued. 

Grandma stayed silent for a long time and I was curious as to what she was thinking about. 

"If this is competition ever becomes too much for you to handle then you can drop out," she commented. 

My eyes went wide, "Won't that bring disgrace to our family?" 

She sighed, "Not disgrace, but the Royal Court would never approve of me allowing it to happen. They do not have a say though as they cannot force you to compete. I, personally, would never hold it against you if you feel like all of this is too much pressure. I understand how difficult these challenges can be as I had to participate in them as well. You are clearly not as prepared at Elliot or Lucas but I believe in you. You can win this competition but I also understand if you feel that you cannot. It is entirely your choice and I blame myself for causing you to join in the first place." 

"Thank you," I nodded toward her. "I'm not quitting." 

"Whatever you wish my dear." She allowed the topic to drop. I smiled politely toward her as our conversation silenced.  

"Elliot is quite the gentleman," she commented suddenly. I raised an eyebrow at the odd discussion topic. "He is not a sore sight for the eyes either," she added. 

I could not figure out where she was going with this. "I suppose he is pretty fit but so is Luke." 

"Yes," Grandma agreed quickly. 

"What are you trying to say?" I asked bluntly. 

"Oh, it's just an old woman's suspicions. You two seem to have quite the chemistry together," she continued. 

"We are just civil to each other," I answered quite honestly. 

"I believe there is something more there," she whispered slyly. 

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