Chapter 22 - The Parade

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"What is that?" I asked horrified as I pointed to my outfit. It was a typical ballroom dress with a skinny top and the big bell bottom.

"It is your princess dress for the parade today," Lady Monida explained as she took it off the hanger.

"It's pink!" I cried.

Lady Monida forced a smile, "Yes and the Queen personally recommended it for you."

"I don't even know how I'm going to fit into that." I touched the silky fabric.

"We have thought of that," Lady Monida said with an evil smile. She held up a piece of fabric with strings hanging off of it

"A corset?" I gasped in disbelief. "I like breathing!"

Lady Monida shook her head then commanded me to undress. I had no choice in the matter and had to oblige. After the oxygen was squeezed out of me, I pulled the dress over my head.

"I hope this is easier to get off," I muttered as Lady Monida zipped up the dress. It fit perfectly with the addition of the corset underneath.

"Don't forget your shoes." Lady Monida held up a pair of high heels.

"Really?" I asked. "I can't wear flats! No one can even see my feet with how long this stupid dress is."

"Don't comment on the dress, it is very nice," she instructed as she set down the shoes for me to step into.

After I passed Lady Monida's qualifications, I was led out to the float. My hair had been curled and tied back into a half ponytail. I looked pretty darn good and skinny thanks to the torture band around my waist. People were already outside checking the float for any last minute problems.

Antonio was out barking orders at anyone he could. Luke was already sitting in his seat looking very annoyed but also very sharp in a black suit and clean white shirt. Julie was standing next to her father with three leashes attached to all three dogs. She rushed over to me when she saw me with a big smile on her face.

"You're so pretty," she gushed.

"Thanks," I muttered taking Bandit's leash. I wanted to stay and talk to her for a minute longer but Lady Monida was already hurrying me over to the float. Several people offered to help me onto the float but I assured them that I could do it.

I walked slowly up to my chair with Bandit following behind. As I reached my level, I noticed that there was a pillow next to the chair for Bandit to sit on.

"Bandit," I called quietly to get his attention. "Sit!" Bandit looked around at all the excitement but then decided to follow my order. I didn't want to flatten my huge excuse for a dress to sit down so I stayed standing. I looked up at Luke who was calling his Doberman to him.

"You're looking sharp," I complimented.

"You're not so bad yourself," he replied as his dog reached him.

Elliot came around the float holding his Husky's leash. He made the dog sit down then looked up at me.

"Wow," he breathed as he looked me up and down. I smiled down at him noticing that his outfit was similar to Luke's but, I admitted, he wore it better.

"Take your seats!" Antonio called. I sighed and began my struggle with my fluffiness of my dress and the chair.

"Okay, now you three are to stay in your seats, control your animals, and smile! Any questions?" Antonio barked.

I raised my hand and Antonio pointed to me, "How do we associate with the public from our seats?"

Antonio shrugged. "Wave."

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