Chapter 16 - The Gazebo

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"I don't understand the point of this," I muttered as I tied the shoelaces on my tennis shoes.

"You need to practice running and I'm the one that can probably keep up with you," Julie answered petting Bandit on the head.

I adjusted my skin tight shorts and leashed up an excited Bandit. He continued to jump around and I had to wrestle him to the ground in order to attach the leash to his collar.

"Who gave me these clothes?" I wondered aloud as I fixed the clothes again.

"They are fitness clothes and now we match!" she answered excitedly. Both Julie and I were wearing similar skin tight shorts and tank tops though hers was pink and mine was green.

I sighed as I led Bandit out of my room with Julie close behind. Lady Monida never let me have time to myself anymore. I always had to have some escort near me for fear that I was going to walk into a lake and let myself drown.

"I don't need to practice for the running part," I whined as Bandit led me through the halls.

"Yes, you do. Who knows what monstrosity will occur if you run without the proper practice?," Julie argued. "Plus Bandit will appreciate the exercise."

Bandit barked lightly upon hearing his name and I huffed, "Whatever."

Julie led me around the castle and through a few doors I had never ventured through. Once we were outside there was a nice dirt path lined with lights but since it was daylight they weren't lit.

"We're running on this path?" I questioned.

She smiled a girly smile, "Yep let's go!" Then without warning Julie began jogging at a slow pace. Bandit seemed eager to follow her as he pulled me on his leash. I sighed as I unhooked the leash and caught up with Julie. Bandit pranced excitedly ahead of us never straying too far. We were silent throughout our jog and only the sound of Bandit's panting and our steps could be heard. Finally the path seemed to come to an end just as soon as my lungs were about to burst.

"What's-that?" I gasped between breaths. Man, I was so out of shape. Julie, on the other hand, seemed to be unaffected by our jog and she slowed to a walk. Bandit slowed down also as we neared the small building at the end of the path. Upon closer inspection I realized that it wasn’t a building, but a gazebo.

Bandit found some cool grass off the dirt path and decided to lie down. I dropped his leash that was in my hand by his side and walked closer to the white wooden gazebo. Around the many poles holding up the roof were vines with multiple flowers budding off of them. Also around the vines were lights but they were off because of the daylight.

"Wow," I breathed out still slowing my breath.

"Isn't this place wonderful?" Julie asked as she ran her hands along the wood.

"It must be beautiful at night," I commented.

I saw Julie beamed, "It's exquisite."

I leaned on one of the poles and looked off into the distance. "Is this place turned on every night?"

"No," Julie said from beside me. "Only during special occasions such as the masquerade ball."

"The masquerade ball?" I asked.

Julie sighed dreamily, "It’s for courteous challenge in the competition. It’s the time when you get to prove your royal manners to the Court while for the rest of us it's just a big party. It’s the most amazing time for everyone."

I nodded and we lapsed into a comfortable silence. Then out of nowhere Julie let out a sad sigh and I peered over at her concerned.

"What's wrong?"

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