Chapter 29 - The Hospital

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I inhaled deeply as I looked at the line up of people ready to tell me farewell. I got a strange sense of déjà vu. Elliot wasn't there since we both had said our goodbyes in the morning. Grandma V had come to wake me but found that I wasn't alone. She let me have a few minutes with him were we commenced our long and sad goodbye.

I looked at all the people in front of me, at all the people I would miss. I started with Julie who gave me a death grip hug and had a tissue in her hands as her tears spilled over. Luke was next to her and after a somewhat awkward hug, he returned to Julie's side putting a comforting arm around her. I was instantly jealous that they got to be so open about their relationship.

I went down the line until I came to Antonio. I gave him a firm handshake then moved on to giving a bow to Lady Monida. Last but most certainly not least, was Grandma. I gave her a hug and that's when I felt the tears come.

"You will be coming back?"

I smiled through my tears and nodded. "I have to come and get Bandit."

She nodded knowing full well that I could have him sent to me. Grandma didn't cry but her eyes did get a bit glossy. I stepped back from the line and nodded to everyone one last time. Just as I was about to turn and join Dell and Nancy in our limo that would transport us to the airport, Julie ran forward and gave me another hug.

"I'll be back," I promised.

She stepped away from me wiping tears from her eyes and nodded sadly. Then she let me go. Once I was in the limo, I rolled down the window and gave one final wave to everyone as the car started its journey to the airport.

The airplane ride was just as uneventful as the first. The only difference was I had an annoying Dell in my ear the entire ride. She requested that I play cards with her, and then when that got boring she wanted to listen to my iPod. Then she couldn't fall asleep which meant that I wasn't allowed to either. I had to listen to seven hours of her nonstop talking about her adventures with Ellie and how much she was going to brag to everyone when she got back.

By the time they announced we were about to land, I wanted to rip my hair out. I loved Dell like a sister but she could be just as annoying as one. The plan was for me to ride with Dell and Nancy back to New Jersey where I would take a connecting flight to Texas.

When we arrived at the airport, I said my farewells to them. I knew I would see them a lot sooner than everyone in Wilkenshire so I wasn't completely broken up about it. Dell cried which made me want to cry but I believe all my tears run out. I gave Nancy a hug and she pulled me aside.

"You're grandmother gave me something to give to you." Nancy pulled out something rectangular from her carry-on bag.

"What?" I wondered.

"This," Nancy said as she handed me a book. The same large novel I was given to by Lady Monida. It was the book of the rules of the competition, the competition that I was no longer a part of.

I took the book with confusion evident on my face. I have no idea what good this was to me now but I stuffed it in my carry-on nonetheless.

We said a goodbye and I went on my separate way. My plane ride was also uneventful and it was so empty that no one had to sit next to me. I arrived in Houston before it was even noon there. Grandma V had given me plenty of money to use to get around. The first thing I did was call a cab in which I had to ask a local for the number.

Once I had a cab, I asked the driver to take me to the hotel closest to the Anderson Cancer Center. Once I was checked in to the local hotel for seven days and my luggage was loaded into my room, I had the cab take me to the hospital.

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