Chapter 33 - The Hearing

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I stood in front of the mirror straightening out my pencil skirt. I sighed at my business formal reflection.

Elliot and I had made a court date for two days after the wedding. Luke and Julie had left for their honeymoon in Italy. They were apologetic that they would miss the court date. They wanted to be with us for support but I assured them that it was alright. Likewise, Dell and Nancy had to go back to New Jersey. They didn't want to miss the date either but Dell had school and Nancy had to get back to work. I understandably allowed them to return home. After all, they had a life outside of mine.

I had a suit made just for the hearing and I felt like a lawyer. I had on a green undershirt that could be seen peeking out from under my grey jacket that matched my grey skirt. Then to top it all off, I wore simple black heels. Looking at myself in the mirror, I wished that I had glasses and a briefcase to complete the picture.

Someone knocked on my door and I walked over to open it. Elliot stood wearing dress pants and a simple white button up shirt and yet he still managed to look amazing.

"Are you ready?" He took an unauthorized step into my room.

I walked back over to the mirror inspecting myself one last time. My hair was up in a bun which was very business-like if I do say so myself. I wanted to show the members of parliament that this was a series matter to me.

I sighed as I met his eyes in the mirror. "I think so."

Elliot closed the door behind him and came to wrap his arms around me from behind. I turned my head and looked at him.

"You look great," he assured softly into my ear.

I looked back into the mirror at us together and smiled. This was how it was supposed to be.

"Kiss for good luck?" I shook my head.

"Kiss me when we’re allowed to," I said pulling away from him.

"Fine," he grumbled and crossed his arm like a five year old that had just been teased with candy. "But what if we don't?"

I picked up the rule book and patted him on the cheek. "Don't think negatively!"

I walked over to the door which had my father's urn sitting on a table next to it. I looked at it for a minute then kissed my hand and placed it on top of the vase. I stood for a moment unmoving and wishing that my father was here with me. I could easily picture his voice saying, “I'm going to be with my love and I want you to go be with yours”.

“I’m trying,” I whispered to the remains of my father. Elliot’s gaze was on my face though he wisely chose to stay silent.

"Let's go," I said throwing open my door only to be blocked by a figure.

"Hi!" Julie yelled at me. Elliot appeared by my side and exchanged expressions with me.

"Julie? You're supposed to be in Italy!"

"Yeah but Luke and I wanted to be here to support you. Plus we've already done all the 'honeymooning'," she said with a wave of her hand. Luke materialized behind her then and smiled at me and Elliot as if to prove what she had claimed was correct.

"Well then, I suppose we can all head to the court room now," I suggested. Elliot and Luke began to walk together and I purposely held Julie back.

"We're going to be late," she pointed out slightly alarmed. I looked over at the boys who appeared to be out of earshot.

"How was it?" I asked seriously.

Julie looked confused. "How was what?"

"Making love," I said in a teasing voice. I was clearly mimicking her from when she did this to me. "With not Elliot of all people."

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