Chapter 19 - The Hangover

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My eye lids felt as if they weight 100 lbs and my head felt as if it was being drummed against with a hammer. I opened my eyes slowly and the bright light caused temporary blindness for a few minutes. When I gained my sight back, I inspected the room. I was alone in a room that was not mine.

Suddenly the events of last night came flooding back and I sat up quickly. I regretted it instantly as my pain pounded on my skull.

"Here," Elliot said appearing out of nowhere with two pills and a glass of water in his hands.

I took the pills from him and popped them into my mouth before swallowing them down with water. I sighed as I sat up straighter and waited for the medication to kick in.

"Sorry," I told him. He was dressed as if he hadn't just woken up. He appeared fresh and ready for the day while I could only imagine how awful I looked. I was sure that my hair was disheveled and my clothes stuck to my skin in odd places.

"It's not you that needs to be sorry," he mumbled bitterly.

I bit my lip and whispered, "Please don't hurt him."

He looked at me surprised, "You still don't want me to kick his ass because I would be more than happy to?"

"I would love for him to get what he deserves," I defended quickly. "But I don't want you to get disqualified because of me." I started to rub my temples attempting to force the medicine to kick in faster. It didn't work.

Elliot shook his head, "I think you should get back to your room."

My eyes widen as I realize that Bandit had been locked up in my room all night. "Oh shoot!" I swung my legs over the bed and took two long strides to the door only to fall right on my face. This caused a whole new wave of pain.

"OW!" I yelled as I realized that the pain medication for my leg had worn off during the night. Elliot walked over and helped me stand. I met his eyes noticing that our faces were inches apart. He immediately turned his head and steadied me before releasing his hold on me. I looked over at him sadly as a part of me wished he hadn't put the distance between us.

"Thank you," I honestly responded as I started to limp toward the door. Maybe if I focused on the pain in my leg it would block out the major headache I was experiencing. Elliot watched as I left. He had already done so much that wasn't surprised or offended when he didn't help me. From the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head and sigh.

"How did you function before you came here?" he wondered aloud with a slightly irritated voice.

"I didn't get hurt," I answered obviously as he pulled one of my arms around his shoulders and led me back to my room. When we reached the door he left me and slowly returned to his room.

"Hey!" I called out causing him to turn around and raise his eyebrows at me. "Thanks for keeping your promise."

He gave me a small smile and murmured, "Don't mention it."

He walked into his room without looking back and I entered my own. I limped a few steps in expecting to get pounced on by Bandit but I didn't. I looked around confused until I spotted a piece of paper on my bed. I shuffled over and I sat on the bed.

You owe me. 

I gave a sigh of relief and grabbed for the pill bottle on my night stand. I took two and sunk down on the bed to let the medicine do it's magic. I don't know how long I relaxed there but eventually I heard the door open. Bandit excitedly jumped on the bed and began licking my face.

I pushed him off of me and sat up only to be met with an angry Julie. I averted my eyes from hers, clearly embarrassed and pet Bandit to calm him down.

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