16. That old story

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Hyunjin was sitting on one of the park's benches. His eyes were lost in the cool air, too immersed in his own thoughts. But he would have lied if he said he wasn't nervous, and anyone could have told from the way he kept playing with his rings and biting his lips. But still, that expression of his held nothing but that old frustration he thought he left months ago, and he just couldn't stop but think about it.

Eventually, he snapped out of his trance the moment he saw a figure above his head hand him a can of soda. He looked at the blonde-haired boy who was waiting for Hyunjin to take it, his expression was blank while in his other hand he was still holding his own can.

Hyunjin stared into his eyes for a few seconds, trying to understand if the boy was angry, or maybe frustrated. Then he accepted the can, opening it with a loud sound.

"Thank you" He mumbled.

Jisung didn't answer, he only sat on the bench, keeping some distance from the long-haired boy and opening his can. Silence surrounded the two boys, just the sound of the loud sips the two took from time to time. Actually, it was just Hyunjin, Jisung didn't even have the strength to bring the can against his lips, so he just stared at it.

The silence was finally broken by Hyunjin the moment he decided that that awkward and frustrating silence should have come to an end.

"Look, if you made me come here just to punch my face or something, just do it. I know you're mad, but I had my reasons for doing what I did".

Jisung stared into the air for a few seconds, before turning his head to the boy, his expression still blank, while Hyunjin couldn't help but let a little bit of worry show.

"I don't wanna punch you, even tho it's true that I'm a little mad at you for attacking my friend the way you did". Jisung finally managed to take the first sip of his soda. "But I just wanna know the reason why you did that".

Hyunjin stared into the boy's eyes for a few seconds, then he turned his head and leaned his back on the bench.

"I should have known that's what you wanted" Hyunjin said before taking another sip.

Another minute of silence surrounded both of them.

"When I first met you, I had this feeling that I had already seen you somewhere. And I was right, you were in one of Y/n's pictures, right? You're one of her old friends" Jisung asked.

Hyunjin seemed quite surprised "Y/n showed you her pictures?"

"Well, actually I saw just that one, and I saw it on accident, but I remember your face. You were the tall black-haired boy".

"Yeah, that was me".

"You look a little different".

"I grew my hair. And I dyed it".

"Yeah, it must be that" Jisung nodded, taking another long sip. "There were other people in that picture. You, Y/n, a brown-haired boy, a girl with pink hair and a very petit girl".

A light smile left Hyunjin's lips, losing in his own thoughts once again. "Yes, they're our friends. We used to be very close to each other back then".

Jisung looked straight into his eyes "With that 'we' you mean Y/n as well, right?"

Hyinjin nodded "Of course. Her more than anyone else".

"Then why did you say all those things? That she did something bad to you and your friends?"

Hyunjin bit his lips, clearly uncomfortable with Jisung's question. "I don't think I should be the one telling you this. You and Y/n are friends, right? I think you should ask her, and you should give her time to explain it to you".

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