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Dear readers,

My name is Grace Mansfield, preferably known as G.E. Mansfield when I write my novels.

I have been writing for 5 years now and I am the author of two successful novels at this moment in time, "The Control Freak" and "Sincerely, B. Foxtrotter"

I am so very proud of these two works and hope that you are pulled to read them someday. But today, my newest novel "The Gift of a Coach" comes out. It has been about six months since I started writing this novel and no amount of words can convey how much tear-jerking there will be in this novel. It's emotional- in joyous ways and in gloomy ways. It's complicated- in life and in mind. And it's a journey that I was blessed to go on. I believe I was inspired to write this book and I take that blessing with great pride.

"The Gift of a Coach" is based on two real people that are in fact, baseball coaches. They have been an amazing gift in our lives and we are lucky to have them. I was inspired watching them coach one day at a game and the idea popped into my head.

"What if I can create a story that embodies the hardships and joys of coaching?"

I knew I could. And the characters of Jake Wolff and Nick Zami were born.

Over the course of the past six months, I have cried, thrown things, and screamed with joy as I wrote this novel. It has been the prize of my possession and I cannot thank you enough for all your support. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without the help of all my supporters.

As you read, keep in mind this quote that has echoed throughout my head every time that I start a new sentence, a new page, a new chapter:

"Good coaches may change the game, but great coaches change the life"

Enjoy the book, my dear friends.

I have been pleasantly surprised and amazed at the impact it has had on my life already. I love it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


G. E. Mansfield- Author of "Sincerely B. Foxtrotter"- A Crime Novel

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now