Chapter Ten: Climax

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"Guys, now is not the time to fall apart," Jake said to himself as he hit a fly ball that dropped ten feet in front of Vince Lorrensi.

"Jake, calm down," Nick said in a low voice, warning him jokingly as he tossed Jake a  ball.

"Thank you," Jake said quickly.

Warmups continued and an hour later, everything seemed to be okay. The only thing that Jake might have wanted to complain about was the weather. It was pretty windy and as he found himself running to check on everything, he pulled on his Brennan baseball sweatshirt.

"Hey, Jake. What's up?" A voice said from in front of him.

"Nothing much. Just working our butts off, Mr. Zami," Jake chuckled as he approached Nick's dad working his grill next to the tables.

"Seems like it. Nick wanted me to tell you that if he doesn't get a chance or you don't believe it, you're doing a great job. Nick is absolutely loving doing this with you"

He smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Zami. I appreciate it. How is everything? Are you doing okay?"


"Good," Jake smiled. "Let me know if you need anything"

Jake spent the next few minutes dashing around making sure everything was going smoothly. And everything seemed to be. Jake checked his watch. He had a half-hour before game time.

"You got time for your girlfriend in your busy life?" a voice rang out from behind Jake.

"Of course I do," Jake smiled, hugging Riley. "Ugh, so happy to see you. I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," Riley said, smiling, putting her hand against his face.

"Jake!" Nick's voice rang out from the dugout.

Jake closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Sorry, Ry. Guess I'm needed again"

He gave her a kiss and hugged her, pulling away again.

"As long as I get to take you to a nice dinner tonight, I'm good"

"I'd love that," Jake said.

"Jake!" Nick called again.

"Coming!" Jake said, jogging back to the dugout. "What's up?"

Nick took his shoulders and positioned him towards the gate.

And what Jake saw made him want to grab that SJU bucket and his team and hide.

Nick took another look at the team on the field and then gave Jake the water bottle to swish his mouth out. Jake spit into the bucket and sighed. He really had to get over this stomach issue of his.

"You alright?" Nick asked finally.

"Yeah," he breathed out. "He just... Ugh," Jake left his sentence hanging, rubbing his forehead.

"I can't believe they would have let him back in this building ever," Nick said, sipping his own water.

"Well, the name Rick Lane still has pull," Jake whispered, his mind still racing with questions.

Would Rick Lane know who he was?

Would he try to hurt the team again?

And what if... He succeeded?

That last thought made the nausea come back again. Nick just put a hand on Jake's back, a silent motion that let him know he was there.

"Alright, enough of this," Jake said, coughing. "I have to be out there with my team and we're gonna kill this thing. Take this," Jake said, handing him the bucket.

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now