Chapter Fifteen: This Is Where My Heart Lies

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The glasses clinked together as Jake and Nick smiled at each other. The court had decided to convict Rick Lane for almost 3 years. It was a shock to pretty much everyone, including Jake. He thought he hadn't given enough detail and that the court was gonna turn against him. He didn't bring a lawyer so he knew how that looked. But luckily, it worked in everyone's favor.

Now all Jake and Nick had to focus on was getting Brennan baseball to the championships.

Nick had decided that they should go to Dizzy's to celebrate after court. Riley was sitting next to Jake at the table, Nick and Mac together and the entire Brennan baseball team sat at a couple tables that had been pushed together. Halfway through the brunch, Nick stood up with his glass and Jake put his head in his hands.

He had known Nick long enough to know what was coming.

"Can I have everyone's attention?"

Jake thanked his lucky stars that besides the hostesses and servers, they seemed to be the only people in the restaurant.

"I just wanted to say how proud I am of this guy right here," Nick said, massaging Jake's shoulder. "Wolff, we've had a heck of a ride together and I have been blessed, no... beyond blessed to be by your side and I am honored to be your friend. And... I cannot wait to be your side to see us win a title"

The whole place erupted with cheers and shouts and everyone started chanting, "Speech!"

"Okay, okay," Jake said, standing with his hands up. "I... Life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances, finding happiness, learning from the past, and realizing that everything changes. Life changes. The biggest change of my life started with everyone sitting here now. Oh, boy, I was a mess when I first became your coach. I had no idea what I was doing or even what I was going to do long term"

Jake took a glance at Parker seated next to Collin and Pete and smiled. He got one back in return.

"And I struggled for a while. I really did. But I realized I wasn't thinking realistically. I... was trying to make myself the perfect person when in fact, me being imperfect was what made me mean so much more. I won't ramble on any longer but one time, a good friend told me this. One smile can start a friendship. One word can end a fight. One look can save a relationship. One person can change your life. I have had the privilege to coach alongside you Nick Zaminski and I will be honored to stand next to you when our kids get those medals in two weeks"

Jake walked over to Nick and gave him a hug, smiling like an idiot.

His life really had... Never been better.

"Yes! Hold up, 22. Yeah, baby!" Jake pumped his fist in the air as he watched Parker smack a double into right field a few days later. Brennan was winning 5-4 now and he couldn't be happier.

They win this game... And they're in the finals.

They had won 6 games so far. You needed seven wins to advance.

The inning ended as Pete grounded out but Jake clapped anyway.

"Alright, Brennan. I see you. Let's shut this down now"

The team all ran out to their positions, the blood pumping through everyone's veins. Jake wanted this for this team more than anything in the whole world right now. He would be ecstatic with joy if they could do this.

There were 2 outs, runners on 1st and 3rd, in a now tied game. Jake and Nick's fingernails were half gone. Kevin Grammar looked at Jake from the pitcher's mound. Jake looked back and pulled on his hat, signaling to Parker, Pete, and Hunter that they were gonna pull the Fox again. He smiled and nodded as he clapped his hands. Jake had been practicing the move even more at practice and he was sure they had gotten it down pat.

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now