Chapter Five: Now or Never

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In two weeks was another one of Jake's tests as coach. He had many throughout the last few weeks. First time being in the school, tryouts, first practice. But gameday was a whole other beast and he had to be prepared for anything. Hiccups, lineup changes, drastic decisions. He had to learn to go with the flow and not be stuck in stodgy decisions that he made. Things would crash and burn sometimes and he had to be ready.

As he was telling the team this, he was watching their facial expressions, and even if Nick hadn't touched his arm ever so slightly, Jake already knew he was putting too much pressure on them. He sighed and sat on his bucket outside the dugout on a sunny, cool day. Perfect for baseball.

"Guys, I don't need to tell you the importance of this to me. See, this is sort of like a tryout for me. Same as you guys went through a few weeks ago. But you don't need to know that. The only thing you need to focus on is us"

He got a few cocked heads as he went on.

"When I was your age and up until I was 18 before I went to college, the start of a new baseball season always screamed new beginnings to me. It was a chance to start over. A 0-0 record. No mistakes, no ties, nothing. It made me feel... Cleansed of bad past memories almost. And I'll let Coach Nick throw in his two cents, but I'm pretty sure he feels the same way"

Jake saw Nick nod out of the corner of his eye.

"So in two weeks when we play Central, the only thing I want on everyone's mind is the new beginning. The start of us as a team. You, I, and Coach Nick. Leave all that crap about Rick Lane behind. Coach Nick and I can show you the ropes"

The kids smiled as Jake nodded and looked at them.

"I feel something good coming on, okay? Alright, enough talk. Let's get going. Go stretch and warm-up. Parker! Take my bucket. Oh, wait. No. I need to talk to you and Kevin. Collin can take it."

Parker and Kevin exchanged inquisitive looks between them as they walked over to Jake, Nick standing beside him.

"Guys, the reason we wanted to talk to you is because we need team leaders. Our eyes and ears when Coach Jake and myself aren't here or can't come to aide immediately, that sort of thing," Nick started out.

"Kevin, Parker. We want you guys to be team captains," Jake finished.

The kids were incredulous and it warmed Jake's heart to see them so happy.

You can tell him wrong, but it warmed his heart like a father. And at that moment, he knew he would always protect these kids with his life.

"So, when we're batting and the dugout seems to be in chaos, Jake and I need your leadership in there, okay?" Nick looked between the both of them as they nodded.

"And any other time where you feel like we need to be more united. It's your call," Jake added.

"We won't let you down, coaches," they replied.

"Alright. Glad to know we can count on you. Go 'head and warm up. We'll be out there soon," Jake said, smiling as the two kids jogged out to where the rest of the team was in left field. Nick threw his arm around Jake as Jake flinched, a little caught off guard.

"You alright? Didn't mean to scare you," Nick asked.

"Sorry. Just a little jumpy, I guess. Gotta be honest, I do hope they win their first game. I don't know if I could stand their faces screwed up in disappointment if they lose. Their lives have already been so screwed up already, you know? I just don't want to mess it up even more," Jake said, staring at the kids starting to throw. They already looked so much better and whenever he looked at them, Jake could look proudly that he was the one who was going to help them.

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