Chapter Eleven: I.Dare.You

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Jake caught the end of the corner and ripped his sweatshirt slightly but that was the last thing on his mind right now. He rounded the corner and rushed to Parker's side. The tall boy was sitting against the wall, blood trickling from his nose as Collin sat next to him.

"Fox!" Jake said, kneeling down next to him. "Collin, talk to me," he said, sternly, checking Parker over for any other cuts or bruises.

"I don't know what happened. We went to the bathroom together after we gave you the baseball and I told Parker to wait outside for me and when I came out, he was like this," Collin rambled as Jake took a tissue out of his pocket and started to clean up Parker's face. In addition to the bloody nose, he had a slight scratch on the side of his right cheek that was starting to bleed. Parker winced as Jake touched the tissue to it.

"I know Fox. I know," Jake said, hating to hurt him but having to do it anyway.

"Parker... What happened?"

"It was Lane," he said, sounding almost close to tears.

"What?" Jake asked, his face dropping in shock. Parker shifted and sat up against the wall as he looked around.

"I was just coming out of the bathroom when he came around the corner and he seemed mad at someone. He had just been yelling"

Jake's heart dropped into his stomach. Lane had been yelling at him.

"And he walked up and just...," Parker bit his lip, innately hugging Jake's side and Jake instantly wrapped his arms around him. Jake wanted to cry, scream, or throw something. He didn't know what to do. So he did what he knew he could do.

"Juker, go get Coach Nick for me?"

Collin nodded and took off, leaving Jake and Parker alone. Nick was there in seconds to see Jake leaning against the wall with his, "I'm gonna kill someone," look on his face. Nick had seen it enough to know it. Parker was cuddled into his side, not crying anymore; more just whimpering softly now.

"Jake, what happened?" Nick asked, rubbing Parker's back. Parker was almost 16 but Jake had found himself comforting him like a baby. He absolutely did not know what to do.

"Lane hit him," Jake pulled out his phone and texted him, not wanting Parker to hear the words again.

"Oh my... That son of a...," Nick walked away, rubbing his chin and then walking back.

"I'm gonna go..."

"No. No, you're not. I will be doing whatever you are thinking," Jake warned him with a slight bite to his voice. He couldn't help it though.

He was livid.

"Parker, buddy. Go clean up in the bathroom. Here. Wet this and just rinse your face, okay? I will be right here," Jake said, stressing the end of his sentence as he noticed Parker looking hesitant. Jake helped Parker up and he shut the door as Jake watched the closed door before he just leaned his head against the wall and downright sobbed. He had been trying to be strong for Parker but he just couldn't take it anymore. He punched the wall, not even wincing when his fist made contact, but honestly? He didn't care.

Nick grabbed his shoulders as he went to go for the wall again.

"Jake. Jake," Nick said, holding him back as he hugged him.

"How did this happen?" Jake sobbed out.

His extreme anger had been replaced with utter sadness and guilt.

Nick let him cry and get his emotions out but after a while, Nick knew he should stop.

"Wolff, stop this right now. Your player is in the bathroom probably crying as hard as you right now. And he's gonna come out and he's gonna run to you again. So stop this right now and stand by his side as you have always done," Nick said sternly. Jake wiped his tears away and took a shuddering breath as Parker opened the door and jogged to Jake again.

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now