Chapter Twelve: Blessing In Disguise

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For the next week after the charity game, Jake had never worked harder than he did to get this team into shape. They had ten games left in the season and if they won at least six or seven of them, they would be guaranteed a spot in a championship game. Jake had asked around and he found out that Brennan hadn't had a championship season for five years.

He hoped to get rid of that drought for good.

It was hard for Jake to sit out of most of the stuff they did at practice because of his finger but what Mrs. Fox said echoed in Jake's head and it made him smile profusely at random times. Speaking of Parker, his cuts were healing but his mind was moving along slowly. Nick and Jake were just making sure to keep an eye on him in case things took a turn.

"Glove down, Tulp! This way," Jake said, demonstrating with his hands. He couldn't wear his glove because of the metal splint so gesturing would have to do for now. He didn't regret doing what he did though. He knew it was gonna help so many people.

Hunter nodded as Nick hit him another one and he did it right this time. His smile made Jake's heart happy.

"Okay! One more each then we're gonna play a game," Jake said as they all laughed. Nick went around the field hitting some fly balls, ground balls, and even some harder hit ones. Jake stood next to him, his arms crossed, watching. He tried to critique but there was honestly nothing to judge. They all looked really good.

After they were done, Jake carried out his promise and they all played a home run derby game to see how many hits each player could collect. Jake called them all in after everything had been cleaned up and put away.

"Alright, bring it in! Wow, you guys look hot!" Jake said, high-fiving some of them with his left hand. "Once this thing comes off, I'm gonna high five you all like crazy"

"How did it happen, Coach Jake?" Dain asked, gesturing to the splint. Jake looked at Parker and he nodded, a silent movement that it was okay to talk about it.

That was progress.

"Guys, Rick Lane got into a little accident with Fox during the charity game a week ago. He hit him. As for my finger, uh, that's a story for another time" Jake joked grimly, rubbing Parker's shoulder. The team was silent.

"I'm okay, guys. Really. Actually, if Collin hadn't gone to get Coach Jake, I don't know what I would have done," Parker said, hugging Jake. Jake accepted it graciously.

"This does bring up a serious talk we need to ha-," Jake's voice trailed off as his pocket rang. "Weird. I don't know that number. Anyway, we do need to talk about what to... Oh Christ," Jake started again as his phone rang. "I got to get this, give me a minute"

"Who is it?" Nick asked, curiously.

"I don't know," Jake mouthed as he answered it. "Hello?"

"Is this Jacob Tyler Wolff?"

"Uh, yeah? Why?"

"This is the courthouse. I understand that you and Rick Lane have a relationship with each other?"

"If you mean I punched him a week ago behind a building, yes. Yes, I do have a relationship with him," Jake said, sarcastically.

"We call you to the stand as a witness to the... scene this Saturday"

"Uh, Saturday? I'm sorry I can't," Jake said, shaking his head.

"Mr. Wolff, this is mandatory. No buts," the voice said before they hung up. Jake stammered as he hung up as well.

"Well? Who was it?" Nick asked, looking at Jake.

"It was the courthouse. They want me to testify against Lane," Jake said, looking at the team then back at Nick.

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now