Chapter Thirteen: And the Verdict Is...

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"How was your night? Was it relax-," Nick's voice trailed off as got a look at Jake the morning after at Dizzy's. They had agreed the following day to meet for lunch like they always did on Fridays.

"Guess not," Nick said, looking at Jake's messed-up hair under his baseball hat, his sweatshirt, and his bloodshot eyes. "You look like hell. What the heck did you do last night?"

Jake pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Tequila. And lots of it," Jake said as yawned. "Sorry. I'm not awake just yet"

"That's alright. What were you doing chugging tequila?" Nick asked with a slight snicker, taking a sip of his water.

"I was at Parker's house last night," Jake said, exhaustedly. "Nick... he was in a bad way"

Nick was silent now. Jake relayed the whole story from being at the restaurant with Riley to hearing his phone ring to talking with Parker's mom. Everything.

"Nick, I had never seen Parker like that. He... changed his whole attitude when I talked with him. Honestly, it broke my heart a little. Okay, a lot"

The waiter broke up the conversation and Nick ordered Jake a coffee.

"Thank you," Jake nodded. "Anyway, I didn't really sleep last night," Jake winced, rubbing his forehead.



"Tequila will do that to you, buddy," Nick said laughing as Jake nodded his agreement. "So, what exactly was wrong with Parker?" Nick asked, glancing at Jake.

"I honestly don't know. He just seemed so... hurt, Nick. I didn't know what to say so I just related to him"
"That seems like the only thing you could have done, J," Nick said, swirling his water around as he looked into it. "To me, it looks like you did a good job"

Jake sighed as he looked at Nick, shaking his head. "I just... I don't know. I have to stand in front of everyone tomorrow and he's gonna be staring me in the face," Jake held his head in his hands. "Can we just skip to Sunday?"

Nick chuckled. "I agree with you, pal"

Jake lifted his head back up, cocking his head at Nick. "What's up with you?"

"Oh, nothing. I just want to skip tomorrow for you," Nick said, giving him a sympathetic look. The waiter broke up their conversation again as he brought back Jake's coffee. Jake thanked him and then turned back to Nick.

"I might not come to practice today, just so that I'm able to get my testimony ready for tomorrow. I haven't even started it yet," Jake said, shaking his head as he took a sip of the coffee hoping it would wake him up a little bit.

" What time do you have to be at school today?" Nick asked him.

"Eh, by 11. At least that's what I told Adair. I got some emails to answer and then I just want to grab my mail and I'll be out by 1 or 2 at the latest," Jake answered back. Nick nodded.

"How are you gonna, uh, go about writing your speech?"

"I have no idea, Nick. Honestly. I've never been in court before so this is a whole thing for me. I guess I'll just.. Talk about what happened. I did wonder why you didn't get a call either. I mean, you were by my side when it happened," Jake said, chuckling.

"Maybe because I wasn't the one who punched him? Twice?" Nick asked, laughing. Jake shrugged.

"Guess not," he said, smiling. Nick was grateful he could get his friend smiling at least a little amid everything that had happened to him over the past few months, Nick included.

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