Chapter One: Home

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Tryout day at Brennan High, baseball, and spring. Jake Wolf's three favorite things. And he got to have them all at once. Today was Jake's first day as head coach of the Brennan High baseball team and president of baseball operations, meaning he handled anything containing baseball for the school, any finance or fundraiser, and was ultimately responsible for everything that happened under his surveillance. Jim Krank, the man who offered Jake the job, was still going to help with the school, but after today- it was Jake's show. It sounded like a scary responsibility but Jake knew with his best friend Nick Zami by his side, he could do anything.

Nick met Jake in college, Saint Joseph's University, and since then the two have been tied at the hip. The only thing they loved more than each other was baseball. When Jake was asked to pick an assistant to help him out, he didn't even have to blink. He knew he wanted Nick by his side. No one on Earth understood him better.

Nick and Jake knew each other so well, they spoke in sync most of the time. They always had a good laugh about it but what Jake loved most about Nick was that there was never a dull moment with him. Something interesting always happened. Like when Jake got his wisdom teeth out and forgot to tell Nick and Nick almost freaked out when Jake wasn't at practice. Jake rarely, if ever, missed a practice and after the fact, it was funny for Nick to text Jake in a panic. Obviously, it wasn't funny at the time but it was a good memory they had. Or the time they both took a trip to Jersey while on a spring break at college and a bird pooped on Nick's hat as Jake ducked out of the way. Jake had never laughed harder in his life. Or the time they won the national championship in college with Nick catching and Jake on the mound. The hug they both received that day was unlike anything. The emotions were so high. It was as if everything was dialed to ten. They both would never forget that day.

Jake couldn't help but reminisce as he lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. A new baseball season always brought about a sort of smell to the air, an unforgettable feeling that something life-changing was about to happen. Something good. Jake had never really thought about being a coach but after his dad had seen him adjust his brother Garrett's swing as an assistant coach for his little league team, his dad always made sure to tell Jake that he thought he had something.

"You have a gift," he would say. "Use it"

After his dad's death, Jake was sure he was at his lowest. Some days even Nick couldn't get him out of bed and out of his misery. And Nick tried. It hurt him that Jake was hurting that much even after all these years and it took that phone call from Brennan saying Jake got the job to get his best friend back. And Nick was eternally grateful.

Jake rolled over in bed, grabbing his phone, checking the time. It was 8 am. Tryouts started at eleven. He had time. He threw the covers back and typed out his message to Nick.

Ready to go, partner?- Jake 8:02 am

Nick replied back in a matter of seconds as his reply made Jake smile.

Ready to fly, partner- Nick 8:02 am

Ever since college, that was their special greeting and it never failed to make either guy happy. Jake could feel Nick smiling from the other end of the phone. He just knew it. He set his phone back on the end table and stood up, taking a deep breath. He stripped off his clothes and made his way to the shower, letting the warm water run over his body, cold from the sheets. Jake used the time to put together his thoughts for the tryout. He would write them down on paper later. He got out of the shower, the steam coating the mirror as he wiped it away with his hand. Jake wrapped a towel around his waist and started out of the bathroom towards his closet. He dried off and slipped into his black sweatpants and red and black Brennan coaches jacket. It sort of felt surreal putting it on. He gelled his hair and slowly put the black hat on, the red hue of the cursive B making Jake take a look at his appearance. He sat down and tied his black and white Nike's, folding the hems of his sweatpants over them. He grabbed his phone and walked down the stairs into his kitchen.

The Gift of a Coach: A Novel of Baseball and FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now