XI. Persephone

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When I awake, I have no idea where I am. 

Darkness hangs heavy around me, weakened only by the fire burning low in a far corner. I am wrapped in folds of thick wool and luxurious silks, the most decadent fabrics to have ever touched my skin. I know I am definitely not in the simple, practical home I share with Mother.


I sit up, and am immediately shocked by how cold the air is. I never went home last night. 

I am still in the Underworld.

Rubbing my eyes, I try to remember what prodded me to make such a daring decision. It must have been partially driven by the dread of going home late. Mother certainly knows by now that I wandered off. She must be furious. When she finds me, I will never be allowed to go anywhere alone again. I may never be allowed to leave our HOUSE again.

But...that was not the only reason. 

After our conversation in the orchard last night, I think Hades might be someone who can help me as I struggle to understand my place in the order of things. And I cannot deny that I am increasingly drawn to him. He makes me feel a way I have never felt before, and he talks to me like an equal, despite how comparatively young and ignorant I am.

There is a gentle knock on the door, and a female voice asks if I am awake.

"Yes. I am."

A shade enters and approaches my bed, bowing her head. "Good day, Lady Persephone. King Hades has asked me to serve you today. Would you like me to bring you something to eat?"

"Yes please. Thank you."

By the time she returns with a plate of honey cakes from the world above, I am more awake and out of bed. The shade insists upon brushing my hair for me so I can eat and not have to bother myself with the tangles caused by my flight with Hades yesterday.

"Where is Hades?" I ask, nibbling the edge of one of the cakes. It is deliciously sweet, and I rapidly finish that one and reach for the next.

"The King is busy with the new shades, but he will be finished soon. He wished me to tell you that he would enjoy your company when he patrols his lands today, if you wanted to go with him."

"I would love to!" I leap up and race to the wardrobe, nearly upsetting my plate in my haste to grab Hades's cloak from where I hung it last night. Throwing it around my shoulders, I would have run from the room in my excitement right then if not for my attendant's protests.

"My Lady, the King will wait for you. Please, come back so we can put your hair up. If you are taking his chariot out, you do not want your hair flying free, trust me."

With a sigh, I reluctantly sit down again, and she skillfully winds my tresses up, securing them with golden ornaments. Uncommon as it is for me to get to wear my hair up, the lure of going for a ride in Hades's chariot overpowers it. I fidget the entire time she is working, which, thankfully, is not that long. She is good-natured about my impatience, and kindly leads me outside when she is done, probably guessing that I still do not know my way around.

Standing in front of the palace, I am not left waiting long. I hear the chariot horses coming well before I see them, the percussive beat of hooves and their restless neighing echoing off the palace walls.

"Persephone! You are awake." Hades easily guides his team to a halt not far from me. They are magnificent, a perfectly matched foursome of the tallest black stallions I have ever seen. Stepping in place, tails thrashing and snorting billowing clouds of steamy breath, they appear as eager to get going as I am.

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