You're real.

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----Y/N's pov----

I shot up. Breathing rapidly. Cold sweat ran down my forehead. I glanced around the room. Everything felt so strange. So fake now. Was I dreaming again or was I not? At this point I couldn't tell. I looked around the room. I stretched my limbs they were sore. I looked down at them to a terrifying surprise My arms had cuts that seemed to have scabbed over yet they looked and now started to feel brand new. They looked fairly deep to. Looking at them made me feel uneasy. Did I do this to myself? was their a knife left in the bed somewere? Did someone attack me? Could it have been Jeffery or something?

The questions zoomed through my brain. each one starting another branch of question's and theories and everything in betweens. I pulled the covers off me. The room felt hot. The windows looked fogged and were sealed shut. I got up and my ankles hurt Looking down they seemed to have had damage done spranged ankle or pulled muscle. Really was unknown for me. I grabbed some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt and a Zip up sweater that i left unzipped. Need to hide these wounds. God knows what EJ would do if he found out about this. You went to the bathroom. You're H/L hair was messy and knoted. It looked oily from sweat. You brushed your hair out and styled it. You walked out of your room when you ran into a familar little girl with a pink dress. "Hey! Mx. Y/N? are you feeling okay?" Sally looks up at me with a worried and concerned look. I gave a reassuring smile. "Of course!!" I ruffled her hair then bent down and went to pick her up before i stopped. "May I pick you up sally hun?" Sally gave a small nod. I scooped her up Warpping my open sweater around her. She snuggled into me. "so whats gotten into ya Sally? Normally your with jeffy or Aunty Jane or big sis Zero." sally laughed at my question. "I want you to be safe from the monsters to." She spoke in a childish tone but ot sounded so threatening and so dead sounding. her eyes were dull and lifeless. I held her closer. "What do you mean?" I looked at her concerned and scared. I started to make my way downstairs. "I noticed that when you were sleeping you looked like you were fadibng away and stuff and it looked scary. At one point a dark figure even was above you. I waited till you woke up and hid in my room." Sally looked at me her eyes sparkled yet she sound so sad. I got down stairs and I ran into Lazari. she was in her demon form and she looked like she just got back from eating someone. "Heya laz! Wanna play with Sally?" Lazari's eyes seemed to light up at the offer she took Sally quickly. Sally looked stunned as she didnt process what was going one. Soon enough both sally and Lazari were gone to the kitchen. I felt like I was being watched. I felt a gut feeling a bad one.

I didn't process what was happening until i was doing it. My body sprung int a full ass run. Going for the back door and breaking out of the the place. I ran into the woods. I just ran. I kept running. I swerved around trees and things until I heard something following me. I never liked using my magic cause of my past that i never could remember. Though hearing someone's footsteps behind you will make you do whats needed to survive. I jumped up trying to lift myself up.

I flew up enough to get onto a branch. I went from running to jumping from tree to tree branch to branch. I moved faster. Using super speed. I could hear cracking frm the tree's everytime my foot slammed into one of the branches or the Body of the tree. My breathing had gone steady. My vison was clear even though I was moving faster then Ben does in his games. You sprung up higher into the trees. A few times even going into the air. Your able to fly. Not well. But it drains you very much so. your body going on Auto piolet while running from whever was chasing you. You're memory wandered to Your mother and your brother. Your family and everything. although you wondered were these inhuman powers came from. As far as you knew you're mother and father where normal...As you continued to wonder about things the more you went the more your brain seemed to fuzz. Your body felt light again. You felt like you were flying. a flash went before you. as your eyes refocused...everything was white. You were floating in the jumping position I was in. "Did I teleport or some shit? Did slender fuck do this?" As if saying that you hear a faint staticy laugh. It wasnt one you could reconize. You breathed slowly. Thinking about were you were. Like on comand you were back their only thing was you were a good 20 ft above the tree you were orignally on. So thanks to gravity you fell like a damn rock. Screaming your head off you landed on a branch.

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