energy wasted.

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Y/N pov:
I felt Jack getting up from the bed. I moaned at the lack of weight on me. "Yo y/n i will be back soon.." I heard the door close soon after. I opened my eyes. jacks room was actually nice looking. I tried to get up I stumbled at first but I was able to walk. leaned on the wall as i walked to the door. i slowly opened it. it was quiet.. I steped out and leaned on the wall. There was blood on the walls. pictures of people who i guessed work for this slenderman. I started down the hall. I found a door it was green and red. I opened it a little i saw a Blond haired boy on the ground playing video games. i couldn't see his face tho. I shut the door quietly. I felt a hot breath on my neck i wipped around and i was face to face with a man with black hair  white skin and a smile carved into his face form the conner of his lips. I leaned into the door. the man leaned in towards my face. i felt a blade run up my sides. " whats a PERSON like you doing in this hell hole?" he whispered. I looked at him his black eyes shimmered in the light. " I-I was brought here by Jack....eye-eye less jac-" the man slamed his hands onto the door pinning me to the door as well. " well doll face i am jeff...jeff the killer." he leaned closer. " Sweetheart if you even think of pulling anything in this shity place i wont hesatate to kill you. I would claim you but i can smell Jacks sent all over you." he groweld at the last part. I pushed him back and hissed out " look mister I dont care who you think you are but i would like for you to know you can not CLAIM a women. A women belongs to herself. SO you nor jack will never own me." I pushed him back and started to walk away. I could hear him mutter "fucking slut" under his breath. I turned a couner and took jeffs blade out. I giggled as i threw his knife onto the ground. " well jeffery you just got picked pocked by a Girl~" i walked down the hall way i found more doors each one with a patter on it. I heard some comotion down the hall way ahead. i started to run towards it. I heard a voice echo the hallway "Y/N my child...come here" i stoped dead. i turned around i could have swarn no one was in the hall way until i felt someone grab the sleeve of my right arm. i got pulled into the shadows soon after. I struggled. " HELP HELP!!" I screamed. i could hear laughter. i could feel my eyes glowing with fear. i used what magic i new how to use besides the teleportation spell. i tried to use my magic to get out or to light the place i was falling in. I could hear a man saying " your not his ChIlD" my mind went black. I felt something sharp hit my back. something had went threw my back. I slowly blacked out.

jacks pov:
I ran towards Y/N as she turned around. i could tell she new who was here Zalgo. I was about to get to her but something...or someone grabed her. " NO!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!" I fell to my knees tears fell down my cheeks. I stood up. "SLENDERMAN!!!!" I ran towards his office. I bursted in. "yes jack..?" slenderman said as he was look...well...sorta looking threw files on us proxy members.( A/n: SLENDERMAN GOT NO EYES I DIDNT KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO WRITE!!) I told slenderman what happened. slenderman stood up and looked a little anrgy. " Zorgo must have taken her...he should return her soon.....we should wait until we here what he wants."

Y/N's Pov:
I was in the darkness with a voice filling my head. i could here screams and yelling. i felt like i was falling again and i felt mysef hit the ground. i felt around. i was in a closet. " where am i?" i side as i opened the closet door. i was in a living room. i saw a girl in a pinking hoodie she looked like jeff's sister. " ma'm do you know where i am?" i spoke softly. the girl looke at me. " Hi there you must be the new proxy Y/N! I am Nina." the girl whoms name was Nina spoke her voice was a lot higher then it should be. I flinched at the loudness of her voice. " ah thank you! are you jeff's sister?" nina's eyes went blank. " i am sorry....WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" nina's voice sounded crazy. " Oh nina i am sorry if i got it mistaken!" i yell as i back away. i continue until i back into someone. I turn around to see jeff..again...

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