The Gang Splits Up

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In the dead of night at a spooky toy factory, a white-colored dressed ghoul bursts through a glass window with Daphne in its grasp. "Fred! Velma! Guys! Now would be a good time to launch the-Gah!" She cries out. Getting sick of being held hostage.

Nearby Velma and Gwen are in position overlooking the scene, "Jinkies. Fred, Kevin. Do you copy?" Velma talks into a walkie-talkie while Gwen keeps an eye on the ghoul. Fred was playing with a water house, Kevin is with him and absorbed some concrete to prepare for a fight just in case. "Fred. Fred? Do you read me?" Velma says again, "Loud and clear, Velmster." He responds into the ear-piece. "I'm here too." Kevin says. "Looks like Daphne has been taken." "Again." Kevin adds to Velma's dialogue. "Remember, when the Luna Ghost passes by at the right spot, Shaggy Scooby, and Ben will pop out of the barrel." Velma explains keeping an eye on the ghoul.

"And when they do, Fred you spray water onto the ghost to prevent him from setting them on fire and I'll use a spell to get Daphne and toss her to Kevin and Velma will spring the net." Gwen finishes. "No worries you two. The Fred-a-nator is on it." Fred states arrogantly, the other three just roll their eyes. They heard the laughter of the ghost and hid from him. "Just stick to my plan okay." Velma whispers.

As for the remaining three, they hid in the barrel. Ben transformed into Nanomech to make it less cramp. "Like Scooby-Doo, stop shaking man." "Re? Rthat's you." "Oh, it's me. Sorry." "Shh! Guys quiet." Ben tried to hush the two with his tiny voice. The three were unaware that the Luna Ghost could see Scooby's tail and brought out a match and blew flames at it.

"RA-AH-AH!" Scooby yelped and popped out of the barrel to nurse his tail. Once relieved from the pain, the top of the barrel boncked his  head and looked to find the Lunar Ghost starring at him. "Boo." "RAAAHH!" Scooby screamed. Shaggy comes out of the barrel unaware of the presence behind him. "Like Scoob, this isn't the time to be silly. We got to pull this off and if we don't-" Ben flew out of the barrel and saw the ghost. Scooby mimics a ghost while Ben got in-front of Shaggy. "Uh Shaggy?" But the man already got what Scooby was saying. "Like, he's right behind me isn't he?" Ben and Scooby just point behind him and the ghost lifted up another match, ready to set them a blaze.

Shaggy and Scooby screamed and tried to run, but knocked into a table and accidentally knocked over some oil. "Run Rhaggy!" Scooby was on Shaggy's shoulders. "Like I'm trying buddy!" Shaggy was trying his best to run away. Ben on the other hand shot some lasers at the ghost, but it didn't faze the him at all. "Fred, NOW!" Velma shouts and the ghost blew the fire. Ben with all his strength pushed Shaggy and Scooby away from the flames.

Fred and Kevin jumped out of their hiding spot only to get knocked over by the boys. Gwen tries to grab Daphne but Fred tried to spray the ghost and ends up spraying Velma and Gwen, with Velma accidentally pressing a button turning the factory on. The girls lose their balance and got one of their ankles tied up with the chain to the net and fell off the platform. The chain stops the fall and the net ends up on Fred and Kevin. "Sorry girls." Fred apologize whole Velma crossed her arms. "I know Fred." Kevin formed a knife and starts cutting the net. "Nice one, Blondie." He grumbles.

Meanwhile the boys were running from the ghost, "Like is he still chasing us?" Shaggy asks. "Do you want the truth?" Ben asks sarcastically. "Rkateboard!" Scooby shouts and Shaggy ends up on it. Ben blasts a hole in the barrel for Shaggy to see and holds on to Scooby. The three end up on the conveyor belt. They avoid the machines from slicing and smashing them. After some close calls Scooby grabs on to a hook right before the three get crushed and they collide with the ghost and Daphne and end up knocking over a wall of boxed up dolls, getting buried within them.

After getting out of the net, Fred and Kevin got Gwen and Velma down and turned off the machine. They ran to the pile of pink boxes, "Guys, are you okay?" Velma asks. Daphne pops out under Scooby's butt and lowers her scarf to speak, "I'm so over this damsel in distress nonsense." She states bitterly. Ben pops out next now back to human. "I'm good too." He says rubbing his head. "Uh, where's Shaggster?" Fred asks. Said man pops out with Scooby following, "Like I'm good too. Hey Scoob that was fun, let's grab another skateboard and like do it again." He says, still a little high from the excitement. "Reah!" Scooby agrees and laughs.

But then the Mystery Machine bursts through the factory with police cars following. A gorgeous blonde woman steps out of the van and goes to hug and thank Fred. Tons of fans enter the building and Fred signs autographs. News reporters enter the scene, "Fred, how were you able to solve the Luna Ghost mystery?" They ask, "Teamwork. I do a tremendous amount, and I always have a plan." He answers. "Yeah. My plan." Velma mutters.

"I knew there was never a phantom. The Luna Ghost is actually," Fred walks over to the ghost and removes the mask to reveal, "Old Man Smithers." The gang excluding Velma say in unison. "The creepy janitor?" The blonde added. "Smithers wanted revenge after you refused to go out with him." Fred explains. "How could you Pamela? I'm a lover-boy of George Clooney—an proportions." The old man says bitterly. "Sheesh. Talk about obsessive." Ben mutters. "But how was he able to fly?" Another reporter asks.

"I can answer that." Velma says and she and Fred take off the ghost costume to reveal a strange suit. "These balloons are filled with a highly potent helium synthesis. Giving the Luna Ghost," Kevin went up and pressed the button on the old man's chest, causing the suit to inflate, "His weightless appearance." Velma finish. "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dumb dog! I'll get you for this!" Smithers exclaimed while floating and being held by Fred and Velma.

"Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" Scooby says, another mystery solved. Everyone went to go to the Mystery Machine, that Pamela kindly parked after ramming it into the factory. "Another mystery bites the dust. Although, I think I would have gone Four Arms on him. Pop his bubble y'know." Ben said. Gwen rolls her eyes at her cousin and smiles. However, things weren't doing so hot with Mystery Inc.. "I can't believe you took credit for my plan again Fred." Velma said not happy.

"Some plan." Daphne scoffs. "That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half." She adds. "Look Daph, it's not your fault you always get kidnapped." Fred says, but that offends Daphne, "I do not always get kidnapped. I can't believe you'd think that." She said upset. "Oh please." Velma scoffs. In a fit of anger, Daphne grabs Velma's glasses. "Ah! My glasses!" "Who's helpless now?" Daphne says mockingly. "Should we get involved?" Kevin asks. "Naw. This is adult stuff." Ben answers. "I'm gonna kill you Daphne!" Velma instead grabs Fred. "Woah! Woah! Watch the ascot." Velma let's him go and takes back her glasses from Daphne.

"Guys look." Shaggy starts getting everyone's attention. "I know I'm just the dude who carries the bags but we're all one big group, we each play an important part. Like a big banana split. Fred, you're the big banana." Fred contemplates Shaggy's statement and nods in agreement, "Daphne you're the pastrami and bubblegum flavored ice cream, and Velma your the sweet and sour mustard sauce that goes right on top." He then look over to the teens. "Oh don't think I forgot about you three; Ben and Gwen your the rainbow sprinkles that add flare and Kevin you're the delicious chocolate sauce adds the calming yet warm taste." He finishes.

"Mmmm-mm!" "Sounds good, don't it Scoob?" "Ru-Uh." Scoob agrees. "Y'know what Shaggy, you really put things in perspective for me." Velma says. "Thanks." Shaggy said unaware. "I quit." Those words made everything stop. "No." Shaggy said in disbelief. "No way. You can't quit! I was about to quit like two seconds ago. Now everyone is totally going to think I copied the smart girl." Daphne said upset. "Now wait a minute. Wait a minute." Fred intervenes. "Maybe I quit." Shaggy and Scooby stood in disbelief.

"Yeah. Yeah I quit!" Fred storms off. "I'm outta here." Velma leaves and bumps Daphne. "Good riddance." And with that, the gang split up. Permanently. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin could not believe what they saw. A team who had been through so much now has just up and broke. "No. Don't go. Guys?" Shaggy calls out weakly. Scooby had tears in his eyes. "Do I quit?" He asks Shaggy. "No Scoob. Friends don't quit." The man looks over to the teens. "Do you guys need a ride? On last trip in the Mystery Machine?" He asks them.

The three look at each other, "Sure Shaggy. And sorry." Gwen spoke. With that, Shaggy sat in the driver's seat with Kevin sitting in the passenger and Gwen between the two males. Ben sat in the back with Scooby who sadly looked out the window. "Looks like it's just you and me for a while, Scooby." Ben heard the sadness in Shaggy's voice and went to pet the Great Dane in an attempt to comfort the poor dog.

Scooby-Doo x Ben 10 CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now