Mixed Up/Answers

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(Took me a bit to put who is who. Hope you enjoy.)

Everyone arrives at the Spook-a-Palooza place and stop the bikes. "Yes!" Shaggy exclaims, happy to have escaped. "That was great!" Not Mary Jane says and she and Shaggy share a hug. "Man oh man, are you alright?" He asks her. "Oh you were great!" "You too." Scooby starts barking at Not Mary Jane forcing her to back away. "Scooby-Doo, like what are you doing man?" Shaggy asks. "Raggy, Rary Rane is a ran in a rask!" Scooby tells him. "Mary Jane is a man in a mask?" Shaggy asks, not quite believing him.

"She's one of them, Shaggy." Ben clarifies. "Scooby, Ben." Not Mary Jane says, but Scooby continued to bark at her. "Scoob! What are you doing, man? Back off!" Shaggy gets between Not Mary Jane and Scooby. "Raggy! Rou're whipped!" Scooby says, trying to get through to Shaggy. "I'm whipped? Oh yeah? Why don't you say that to my face, man?" Shaggy says, starting to get angry. The two then started talking smack about each other.

Ben was not sure what to do. He knew these two were the bestest of friends and seeing them argue was hard to watch. "Bring it! You want some? You want a piece of the Shagster?" Shaggy says, raising his fists. "Reah!" Scooby said, ready to fight too. "Guys stop! Don't make me use the watch!" Ben says, trying to stop them from fighting.

But the two ignored him and Ben looks to find Not Mary Jane smirking at the scene. The two walked around getting ready to brawl. "Feel the pain Scoob!" Shaggy says. "Rokay!" Scooby says. "Come on! Two shots! Two shots! Me and you, me and you again. I'll give you some right now, buddy." Shaggy says. But before he could throw a punch a hole opened up right under Scooby and he falls through it.

Ben rushes over to the hole, "Scoob!" Shaggy calls out. "Scooby!" Ben calls out too. "Scooby has been eaten!" Shaggy looks back at Not Mary Jane. "Ben and I gotta save him. You stay here, I'll be right back." He then goes to jump in the hole. "No, Shaggy." Not Mary Jane says in a deeper voice. Shaggy and Ben look back at her. She speaks again but her voice returns to normal. "I mean, it's too dangerous."

"I've got to. Scooby is like my best pal." Shaggy says. Ben smiles, "And friends don't quit, right?" He says. Shaggy nods, "Right." He then dives into the hole, "Friends don't quit!" He says. Ben quickly follows him but feet first. The two then slid for a bit then fell off a ledge onto sandy ground. Ben landed on top of Shaggy and quickly gets off of him. "Sorry. You okay?" He asks, lending out his hand. "Yeah." Shaggy coughs out, and takes his hand. Once they gain their bearings they look to find themselves apparently underground.

"Scoob?" Shaggy calls out quietly. The two walk two try and find out where they are exactly. "Scooby-Doo. Where are you?" Shaggy says. Ben then heard some whispering. "Follow me." He tells Shaggy and slowly walk along the wall. The two then looked to find a chasm and some kind of vat with a glow coming out of it. "Alright. Let's go." Ben says, not waiting for Shaggy and walking around the chasm to head to the vat. Shaggy, while literally shaking with fear, bears through it and follows after Ben to the vat.

The two look to find that the vat was filled with blue, glowing water. It would be pretty if not for the crazy stuff happening. "Shaggy." The two heard a voice that was incredibly familiar. "Shaggy. Ben." They look to find a a wispy, glowing head emerge from the water briefly. "Shaggy." It was Velma. "Velma." Shaggy waves, unsure what to feel. Ben shakes his head and focus on the task at hand. "Don't worry Velma. We'll get you out." He says. "Yeah." Shaggy then carefully dips his hand into the vat and gets Velma out.

"Velma, are you okay?" Ben asks. "Yeah. Boy, am I glad to see you two. Now let me go so I can get back to my body. Then you two get out of here before they come and take your protoplasm too." She says. The two nod. Shaggy let's her go so she can return to her body. "I always knew you guys were heroes." She hollers.

Scooby-Doo x Ben 10 CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now