Not Normal/Monsters in Disguise

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The group ended up hiding in the 'Head in a Vase' attraction to hide from the monsters. They watch as the monsters dragged the knocked out guests and walk pass them. They slowly came out of the vases and look on. "I have a sinking feeling that these dudes aren't brainwashed cult members." Shaggy says. "Then what are they?" Ben asks. "And why are they here?" Gwen asks after. "And what do they want with the college students?" Daphne asks last.

Everyone seemed stumped. At first it was thought to be a spell, but instead is a brainwashing cult, and now monsters are kidnapping people. But they knew they needed answers. "Well, one thing for sure, we need to follow them." Ben says. "Say what?" Shaggy asks, surprised by his statement. "So we can at least find out where they're heading and get Fred, Velma, and Kevin back." He explains. "Well, that's sorta mind plan: we just get the heck out of here and let the creatures eat Fred, Velma, and Kevin!" Shaggy exclaims, scared.

Ben just rolls his eyes. "We can't just abandon them Shaggy. They are our friends." Gwen says. "They're right Shaggy. Fred and Velma always figured out everything. Now it's our turn. For the first time, they're the damsels in distress, not me." Daphne says. But the vase she was in started to tip over and she fell down. Everyone winced at the scene. "Help?" Daphne asks. "Timber." Shaggy says.

Once they helped Daphne out of the vase, they carefully followed the monsters until the saw that they were heading to the place the Spooka-a-Palooza took place earlier. They look to find the monsters entering through some kind of tunnel within the mouth of the structure. "Okay, I'm calling for help." Mary Jane says, pulling out her phone. "No." Daphne stops her. "I got this. I got this." She says to herself about to make a move, but the tunnel closed preventing any entry. "I don't got this." Daphne says in defeat.

Mary Jane was about to try and call for help but Ben place his hand on hers to stop her. "I don't that's a good idea." He says. "Why not?" Mary Jane asks. Gwen backs him up. "The monsters have some kind of knockout gas and we can't risk anyone else getting involved with this cult stuff." She says. Mary Jane thought for a moment and then agrees, putting her phone away. "But like what do we do now?" Shaggy asks. "Reah." Scooby says.

The group think for a bit, "I think we should get some rest." Ben starts. "The beach is our best bet, no one would think to look there it's too out in the open. And I can perform a cloaking spell so we won't be found." Gwen says. With a little more thought everyone agreed and carefully made it to the beach. Gwen performed the spell and everyone eventually fell asleep.

By the time the sun had risen everyone was still asleep, albeit they were lucky to even get some sleep. Gwen's spell wore off for she believed the day would be safer. Then a beach ball smacked Daphne's face. She slowly woke up and looked to find something shocking. "Something messed up is happening." This caused the others to wake. "What? What is it?" Shaggy asks, waking up. But what they saw was shocking. The hotel was untouched, "Like what happened to the shattered windows and busted walls?" Shaggy asks.

"Yo Red, the ball." A young woman in a swimsuit called out. And Daphne, while confused, threw it back to her. "Gwen, are you sure your spell doesn't have any side effects?" Ben asks his cousin. Gwen lightly smacks his shoulder, offended that he would accuse her of the strangeness going on. "Let's go." Daphne says and everyone walks around to see that everything is surprisingly fun and carefree.

A band was performing near the pool area and no one seemed the least bit distressed as of what happened last night, as there was a big party going on. "Anyone else think that this is strange?" Shaggy asks, freaked out by the whole thing. "If by strange you mean downright freaky, then yeah." Ben answers. "Okay, we need to split up." Daphne states. "Why?" Shaggy asks. "We still need to find Fred, Velma, and Kevin." She explains. "I'll go this way." Mary Jane says and walks off. "I'll go with her. Be careful everyone." Gwen says and follows Mary Jane.

"And we'll go with you." Shaggy says. But Daphne points in the other direction. "Come on Scoob." As Shaggy walks off Scooby whines wanting to stay with Daphne, but she continued to point. Scooby then follows after his best friend. "Are you sure?" Ben asks. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Daphne reassured him. Ben was a little hesitant but nods and walks off to catch the boys.

Daphne walks around but then the lead singer of the band approach her and takes off his sunglasses. At first she smiles at his singing but then his voice distorts and his eyes turn a familiar green. She slowly walks away while smiling trying not to get caught.

Meanwhile with the boys, Scooby sniffed the ground hoping to catch something but then he stops and looks up. "Fred?" Scooby says, shocked to see him. "Yo, yo, the beatch was like what? And I was like, later on!" Fred says. The boys were shocked to find him safe and sound, although Ben was confused as to why he was talking like that. "Fred." Shaggy calls out. This gets Fred's attention, "What up dogs? And uh, dog?" He addresses them. "Keeping it real." Scooby says, giving a peace sign.

"Fred, are you okay? What happened last night?" Ben asks him. "Yeah, like, what happened last night?" Shaggy repeats. "Man, we got beats like the lizz-nizz on earth. Y'know what I'm saying G?" Fred says. Shaggy nods but then shakes his head, "No." He says. Ben was about to say something when a smash was heard along with an all too familiar roar. "You hear that?" Shaggy asks, becoming scared along with Scooby.

But then three college students jumped behind Fred, and he and them all breathed out the same green gas the monsters did and their eyes turning green too. Shaggy and Scooby screamed and not wanting to hurt anyone, Ben and the other two quickly ran away. "Get the dog." The monster in Fred said and runs off after them with others to back him up.

The boys found a shed and quickly closed the doors locking them. Unfortunately, this did not stop the monsters and started banging the doors. Fred, or Not Fred, punched through a glass window and grabbed Ben by his neck, strangling him. "Why is Fred rin a brad mood?!" Scooby exclaims scared. "He's not in a bad mood, Scoob." Shaggy says. He helped Ben and managed to free him from Not Fred. "He's a monster!"

The monsters then jumped onto the roof and used guitars to break through. Ben was hesitant of using the Omnitrix for even if they are monsters, they are in peoples' bodies. "Raggy! Ren! Rikes!" Scooby says. "I know Scoob. Yikes!" Shaggy says, scared. But Ben looked back in time for Scooby to pull a sheet away to reveal, "Not yikes. Bikes!" Ben says. And Shaggy smiles, "Scoob." With that the three got on the bikes and put on helmets.

The monsters quickly moved away in time for they rammed through the door. Ben was riding with Scooby while Shaggy was leading. But then Mary Jane appears, "Shaggy, look out!" He stopped in time before he could grin her over. "I saw my friend, Beth Anne. There's something wrong with her eyes. And they got Gwen." She says. "Like, hop on!" Shaggy says. But then more monsters appeared. Mary Jane quickly sits behind Shaggy and he and Scooby quickly sped off. But Ben wanted to ensure they couldn't follow them.

He quickly turned around so that he was sitting back-to-back with Scooby and transforms into Swampfire. He tosses some seeds and they grew rapidly creating a barrier. The others cheered and continue to drive away. Ben transformed back and turns back around. Everyone was cheering, but then, "Like, duck!" Shaggy exclaims. Mary Jane, however, got hit in the face with a branch and looks at Scooby and Ben. "Ruh?!" Scooby said. Because Mary Jane's face looks like a mask, underneath resembles one of the monsters. The two watch her fix her 'face' with shocked faces and then she smiles and giggle like it never happened. She's one of them.

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