A Not So Happy Reunion

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(I like the funk the music gives in one particular scene 😏.)

A few days later, the three are now at the airport for which their flight to Spooky Island is set to depart. They made their way to the gate, "Man, who could have thought we get an all-expense paid vacation to a five-star amusement park?" Kevin says, happy with the all the free stuff. "It is rather odd why this Mondavarios wants us to solve a mystery. I mean we aren't big name detectives or anything." Gwen says suspiciously.

"Yeah. Now that you mentioned it." But before Ben could elaborate, he bumps into someone. "Oof! Sorry." Ben looked to see that he bumped into a familiar blonde. "Fred?" Gwen and Kevin looked to find that it was indeed Fred Jones. "Ben? Gwen? Kevin? What are you guys doing here?" He asks, taking off his sunglasses. "Heading to the gate for Spooky Island." Gwen answers. "Oh. I was actually-" "Fred? Guys?" Everyone looked to find another familiar face: Velma Dinkley.

"Whoa. This is getting weird." Kevin states. They then walk in silence for a bit until Velma breaks it. "So. How have you-," "Been?" Fred finish for her. "Yeah." "Great. Great." The exchange between the former leader and brains of Mystery Inc was an awkward one, but Ben decides to join in, "So how have you guys been doing? Got anything going on? I got an upgrade to the watch. A lot slimmer now." He starts.

"Well, since you asked. I've been working on my new book. 'Fred on Fred: The Many Faces of Me.'" The blonde says, holding the book up for them to see. "Jinkies. That's impressive." Velma says sarcastically. What about you Velma?" He asks the glasses-wearing girl. "I've been working at NASA, developing hydro-powered missiles defense systems." She answers like it's no big deal. Fred on the other hand wows at her for her work and Kevin whistles, astounded as well.

"Wow. That's amazing Velma." Gwen congratulates her. "Thanks. And on top of that, I'm on a journey of self-discovery." Velma adds. "Charter service to Spooky Island will begin momentarily." A woman announces through the intercom and the group check their tickets. "What do you mean I can't have twelve carry-ones? That's so economy." A familiar voice spoke out and it turned out to be Daphne Blake herself, still rocking purple. "Daphne?" "Daph?" "Crap." The teens said in surprised while Fred and Velma muttered.

The woman looked over and lowered her sunglasses, "Oh no. I'm not speaking to any of you." She put her glasses back on and then made a zipping motion on her lips and turns away. The two adults chuckle at her action. "What are you guys doing here?" Daphne asks annoyed. "Isn't it obvious? We have all been invited by one, Emile Mondevarious, to solve a mystery at his island amusement park, Spooky Island." Velma answers, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Unfair! I was going to solve this mystery all on my own for the first time ever." Daphne said upset.

"How are you gonna save yourself when you get caught?" Fred jokes. Kevin chuckles silently but gets elbowed in the ribs by Gwen. "I'm a black belt now. I have transformed my body into a dangerous weapon." Daphne states. This causes Fred and Velma to silently laugh, not quite believing her. "It's true." She says, agitated. Gwen sent them both a quick glare but then smiles towards Daphne, "That's great, Daphne. Maybe we could practice together sometime." She offers.

Something clicked inside Ben's brain. If Fred is here along with Velma, Daphne, Gwen, Kevin, and himself, that only leaves, "Far out!" And just as he expected, Shaggy Rogers appears. "I guess we're all, like going to Spooky Island,  man." He says excitedly seeing everyone. "Hey where's Scooby?" Velma asks noting the lack of the Great Dane. But then Ben looked to find an unbelievable sight. "I found him." He says dumbfounded and points at what he's seeing.

Scooby-Doo was dressed up like an elderly lady with a hat, dress, even shoes. People laughed and wolf-whistled at the hilarious scene. "They don't allow big dogs on the plane." Shaggy explains. "You've gotta be kidding." Velma said deadpanned at the scene. "No-one is stupid enough to believe that." Daphne comments at the disguise. "Who's the ugly broad?" Fred whispers to Shaggy. Ben rolls his eyes at the blonde's obviousness. "Found the stupid." Kevin jokes and Ben laughs quietly.

Scooby then laid a kiss on Fred's cheek, in which the man wipes it. "Say hello to Grandma." Shaggy jokes. "Rahola." "Flight 3774 to Spooky Island now boarding." The woman says. "Look, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew." Velma says unhappy. "Uh-Wait! Wait just hold on and think about it for one minute." Shaggy says quickly. "Mystery Inc. reunites. We'll be a team again, just like the old days." Ben joins in. "Yeah. You guys love solving mysteries. Together." Shaggy smiles, appreciating Ben's help. "Yeah. Let's put our hands in, we lift them up and go 'Woo-ho-ho!'" Shaggy said and demonstrates the 'hands-in.'

"Only if Fred and Velma do it." Daphne says. "People are watching, Shaggy." Fred says and goes to board the plane. Daphne and Velma following shortly after. Shaggy frowns sadly, feeling as though he failed to get the team together. "Ro-oo?" Scooby said to help cheer him up. Ben raised a hand too. "Yeah Scoob, woo-ho. Let's go." With that Shaggy and Scooby went to board the plan.

Ben felt bad for the two. He knew how important the group was to them and yet those three would not see eye-to-eye. He felt someone starring at him and looks to find Gwen and Kevin looking at him with worry. "You okay?" Gwen asks. "Yeah." Ben answers, although he still felt bad. "Come on. Well miss our flight." Deciding to drop it for now, the three board the plan.

A Little While Later

The flight was a quiet one. Everyone sat and minded there own business. Fred and Velma were sat next to each other but read books instead of talking to each other. Kevin sat next to Daphne who wasn't in a talking mood. And Gwen and Ben sat behind Scooby and Shaggy who were close to the food bar.

"Now that is a beautiful work of art. Huh, Scoob?" Shaggy says, admiring the sandwich he made. But before he could take a bite, a pretty, blonde-haired woman walked down the aisle. Shaggy was entranced and Scooby took the opportunity to eat the sandwich. The woman bend down and talked to Shaggy, "Do you mind if I sit next to, um-," She pauses at Scooby's disguise. "Um, my grandma. That's my Grandma. Hi Grandma." Shaggy answers. "And like, not at all." He then sat up to make it easier for the woman, "Thank you. Ah-Choo!" She sneezed. "Bless you." Shaggy said, blissed.

Ben looks back to watch the little scene. "Agh. Sorry. Allergies. It usually acts up around dogs." She apologizes and Scooby stops scratching his ear and looks away awkwardly. "Maybe I should move." "No." She looks at Shaggy. "I-I mean I act up too, it's my grandma's perfume, y'know-achoo. Maybe Grandma would like to visit her old pal Velma. Right Grandma?" He says. Scooby looked a little sad, but agreed. "Rokay." He got up and walked off.

Ben sat back down and fiddles with his watch. Gwen has been weirded out by his behavior and puts down her book. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks. Ben looks at her and then takes a deep breathe. "Look, it's been a while and I hate how these guys aren't talking. I mean, I know we have our own things, but these guys work better together. I learned that a long time ago." He explains. Gwen smiles and lays a hand on his shoulder.

But then they heard barking and looked to find Scooby chasing a cat. "Sit Grandma! Bad Grandma! Don't eat the Kitty!" Shaggy says to stop Scooby. "This is going to be a long trip." Ben sighs and activates the watch.

Scooby-Doo x Ben 10 CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now