Spooky Island Castle/Death Trap

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The six of them entered the building through the large wooden doors and couldn't help but be a little freaked out by the inside of the place. Then, *SLAM!* everyone jumped as the doors seemingly closed on their own. After calming down, they look around.

"This place is like Uber creepy." Shaggy comments. "Reah. Ruber creepy." Scooby says. "Have to agree on that." Kevin adds. "The only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Right when Daphne said that, a door opens and everyone jumped. Shaggy jumps into Scooby's arms, Gwen has mana disks ready to go, Kevin absorbs some wood and coats his arms, Daphne assumes a fighting stance, and Ben transforms into Swampfire.

But it turned out to be Fred and everyone calms down. "Fred, get back. I found this place first, so we call dibs on it's clues." Daphne says. "I've already found some clues." He tells her. "What?" Daphne says shocked. "I followed some weird footprints up here. Thought it might be a little too dangerous for you." He explains while also teasing her. Gwen rolls her eyes, "Really Fred?" She says, not amused. "If anyone messes with me, I'll just open a can of 2,000 year old Chinese whoop-ass on them." Daphne says, unaware that an animatronic was moving towards her from behind. It laid a hand on her shoulder and she yelped along with Shaggy.

But then Velma appears from behind it laughing. "Velma!" Shaggy scolded her, angry at her for pulling off that scare. "What are you doing here?" Fred asks. "Other than giving us heart attacks." Ben, still as Swampfire, adds. He then hits the Omnitrix and turns back. "This ride was closed for construction, it's likely to hatch an insidious plan." Velma explains. "And I wanted to scare the patootie out of Daphne." She says while tickling Daphne and getting smacked by her purse.

"Well, since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues." Fred says, drawing everyone's attention, "Daphne, you and I will—" "Typical." Velma scoffs. "What?" Fred asks her, wondering as to what she's upset about. "Oh nothing. I was always picked last for the teams." Velma explains. Fred sighs, "Okay. Daphne, Gwen exit through the entrance. Velma, Kevin, and I will enter through the exit there. And Shaggy, Scooby, Ben," Shaggy was playing around with the animatronic that Velma used to scare Daphne, but stopped when Fred addressed him, "...Do whatever you guys do."

With that they split up, each with their respective groups. Ben, Shaggy, and Scooby, ended up in a room with big table having food on it. "Huh? Can't have a castle without a banquet, right guys?" Ben jokes. "Like yeah. It's like a medieval sizzler. Pinch me, I'm in heaven—Ow!" Shaggy says but then got pinched on the leg by Scooby. "It's an expression, Scoob." "Rorry." The Great Dane apologizes and looks back at the food. Ben couldn't help but shake his head and smile at the two.

Meanwhile Fred, Velma, and Kevin were walking down a hallway filled with suits of armor wielding sharp axes. "Hey Velma," Fred starts. "I never meant to — Well, you know, pick you last." He apologizes to the orange-clad female. Feeling bad for not knowing how she felt when Mystery Inc. was together. "Don't  worry about it Fred." Velma says. "I know you. All you care about is swimsuit models." She jokes. Kevin couldn't stop himself from letting out a chuckle. "No! Look, I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on." Fred defends, giving Velma a pat on the back.

But instead of answering back, Velma gives him a disgusted look and walks ahead. Fred was confused as to what he did wrong this time, "It's a compliment." He sighs. Kevin places a hand on Fred's shoulder, "Dude. You've really got to read the situation a little more carefully." He tells him and pats him on the back, walking ahead to catch up with Velma. Fred thinks for a moment then follows the two. However, what none of them knew was that someone was watching them. A little man who was not happy with strangers in the castle and walks off.

As for the two redheads, They were trying to open the door. Daphne moved a wooden beam but it was heavy and she tossed it aside, wiping her hands after. Gwen then went up to the door and tries at first to push them open but they wouldn't budge. "Augh. Hah! Unless it's boarded up on the other side, we would have to kick them open." This gave Daphne an idea. "Alright then." She then moves Gwen behind her and raises her hands putting them together.

As for the man he enters a room with the control room and flips a switch, turning on the castle. Right as Daphne was about to kick the door, a scary-looking animatronic turns it head and laughs creepily. Daphne then kicks the door, that opens. It was then that Gwen looked around and saw that the ride was turned on. "Daphne, we gotta-Agh!" A cart ran into her and she landed in the seat head first. Daphne however, was doing a little victory dance. But when she saw the cart she couldn't move away in time, "Oh No!" and holds onto the front.

As for Ben, Shaggy, and Scooby, the food was moving, as if it has comes to life. "And now for our dinner show," A mic rang out, giving a maniacal laugh after. "Rhat?!" Scooby says shocked. "Like, I've got a bad feeling about this guys!" Shaggy said. "Re roo." Scooby agrees. Before Ben could reach the Omnitrix, strings of meat wrapped around him and the other two pulling them back and pinning them to the wall. "And now for the main course: YOU!" Then a hand-like monster with fangs emerge from a turkey making Shaggy and Scooby scream in fear. "Feast on this!" "Oh, Shut Up!" Ben shouts at the voice.

Fred, Velma, and Kevin all hear the ride activate. The knights come to life and start moving their axes up and down. "Watch Out!" Velma screams noticing a cart coming their way behind them. They carefully move forward while avoiding the axes. They soon end up in a different room. Two large axes then appear, barely missing the three. "Jinkies. They're moving towards us. Run!" Velma exclaims. They try to escape only to reach a dead end.

"We're trapped!" Fred exclaims. "Quick! Try the bookcase!" Velma says, proceeding to remove the books. "What?!" Fred and Kevin ask in sync. "One of these has got to open a secret passageway!" Velma explains. "Velma, this is a ride!" Fred exclaims. Kevin then joined Velma in removing the books, "Got a better plan, Blondie?!" He says. Looking back at the axes getting closer, Fred decided not to argue and join the two in removing the books.

Meanwhile, Ben along with Shaggy and Scooby were still pinned to the wall. "Raht do we do?" Scooby asks, scared. "Do what we do best Scoob: Eat." Shaggy says. Ben, however, kept trying to get his arm free so he can activate the watch, and he was not eating food that was obviously fake. As to prove his point, Scooby took a bite of the sausage only to spit it out, "Rit's plastic!" He says. "Why do you care? You drink out of the toilet." Shaggy points out. "So do you." Scooby counters, feeling a little insulted. "Guys! Less arguing, more escaping!" Ben scolds them.

With Daphne and Gwen, the two were still riding the cart. Gwen was trying to right herself while Daphne was trying to remain calm, "I'm not helpless. I'm not helpless." She says to herself. But then notices a dead end with sharp blades protruding from the wall. "I am helpless. I'm gonna die! Ahh!" Daphne exclaims, terrified. Gwen tries to preform a spell to stop the cart, but hits her head and couldn't concentrate. "Ow!"

Back with Fred, Velma, and Kevin, they continue to remove the books, almost done. But Fred gave a hard tug to one of the books and trips backwards. Thinking fast before a large axe could strike him, "Fred!" Velma yells and throws a hard-cover book to him. He catches it and shields himself. It protected him but he gets launched backwards through a glass window, flipping the switch that turned the castle on off.

Right when Daphne was about to be turned into a kabob, the cart stops just in time. Daphne takes a moment to calm herself and carefully gets off the cart, helping Gwen out of the seat. "Thanks." She thanks her, rubbing her head to numb the pain. "No problem." Daphne replies, and the two then proceed to walk away. Agreeing to never speak about what had happened.

As for the boys, they noticed that the ride had been turned off. "We made it guys. We're alive!" Shaggy exclaims, relieved that the terror is over. But then the wall they were pinned to fell backwards with them still on it. They took a moment to just lay there and catch their breath. "That was weird." Shaggy says. "Yeah. Can't argue with that." Ben replies sarcastically, but glad knowing that the 'fun' is over.

Back with Velma and Kevin, they look at where Fred had been launched back into and are worried. "Fred? Freddie, are you okay?" Velma asks worriedly. But thankfully, Fred gets up and is okay. The two smile and Kevin, while relieved, looks to find one last book. "Well, only one book left. Of course it had to be the last one." He comments and pulls the book back to reveal a hidden passageway. He and Velma go through it to find themselves in the room Fred is in.

Back with the boys they detangling themselves from the plastic sausages. "I don't feel so good." Shaggy says. Scooby spit out some plastic. "Yeah, that happens when you eat stuff that isn't food." Ben says. "Like your telling me. Reminds of that time me and Scoob tried to eat that guy in the hot dog costume." Shaggy laughs at the memory along with his canine pal. Ben just looked at them with a bewildered look. He knew they loved food but seriously?

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