Two Years Later

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(This chapter's pretty short but I want to get ya caught up with what's going on with the trio.)

After Mystery Incorporated broke up, things went along normally. The three teens continued their lives. They worked with the Plumbers to still have some excitement, but other than that they have normal lives. With some inconveniences.

Kevin got his own car and works part-time at an auto shop. Gwen has been working hard in school and practicing her magic, which is actually powered by mana due to having the spark she inherited from her and Ben's grandmother, Verdona, who is an Anodyte. And Ben has been doing regular things. Such as, playing video games, playing soccer, and drinking smoothies. He also got an upgrade to the Omnitrix that now has a slim green band with ten new aliens and more.

The three would hang out a lot, mainly at Mr. Smoothie's. They haven't solved any mysteries ever since the gang broke up but they would reminisce sometimes. Speaking of hanging out, it was the first day of Summer Break and the three are relaxing in the parking lot of the smoothie place.

"So I'm thinking about going to college early. But then again I want to enjoy myself and have some fun." Gwen converses with the two. "Well if you do go to college, you're going to need someone to drive you there." Kevin says. "Aww. That's sweet Kevin." Gwen thanks him. Both of them have faint blushes on their faces. They heard loud slurping and look to find Ben finishing his smoothie. "Seriously, will you two go out already? It's painful enough watching you two dance around each other." He smirks seeing their faces darken red.

The brunette chuckles and goes to through out his empty cup. Once he throws it in a trash can, a young man walks up to him. "Excuse me. Are you Ben Tennyson?" He asks. Ben raises a brow at the stranger. "Who's asking?" He retorts. "Oh. Well you see, I've been sent by my employer, Mr. Emile Mondaevarious, to invite you, Gwen Tennyson, and Kevin Levin, to his world-famous amusement park Spooky Island." He explains. "Why would some dude invite us?" Kevin asks as he and Gwen walk over.

"Because he would like you three to solve a mystery." The employee answers. "Sorry. No can do." Ben responds immediately. "Yeah, we haven't solved any mysteries in two years." Gwen backs him up. "You each will be payed a fee consisting of $10,000 American dollars." The employee says. "What else?" Kevin asks, interested to hear more. "Free airfare." "Yeah." "Room and board." "Uh huh." "Along with a five-star hotel room with free room service." Keep talking." "Access to all rides." "Anything else?" "And all you can eat buffet." "Sign me up!" Kevin agrees.

The cousins roll their eyes. "Really Kevin?" Gwen scolds him. "Hey. Even if there's a mystery we can still have fun. I thought you wanted to have fun?" He teases her. Gwen let's out a sigh. "Fine. I'll come. What about you Ben?" She looks to find her cousin with a distant look. She lays a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. "Huh?" He says. "Are you coming?" She asks. Ben looks at her then Kevin and decides that maybe it would be good for them. But he's not gonna like it.

"Alright." He agrees. He looks to the employee, "When's the next flight?" He asks.

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