Final Battle

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( I love the rock version of the theme song. What can I say, I love rock.🤘)

With that everyone got to making a plan. Gathering climbing equipment and the disco skull, they set up within the tunnels. Finding out about a vent that can provide access to sunlight for the disco skull, which was hidden so no one would be suspicious, to reflect against the monsters so they can blow up.

(Ben, Gwen, Kevin decided not to use their powers for it could hurt the bodies the monsters are inhabiting. Play it safe.)

Daphne and Gwen were securing the skull while Shaggy and Ben zipped down to be ready to attach a cable to the vat. Fred swung down to Velma and Kevin who helped in getting the skull up. "Okay, so we use the pulleys to tip over the vat," Fred starts. "Then Daphne and Gwen will open the air vents and release the disco skull." Velma continues. "The light will reflect off the skull," Kevin says. "The monsters will go boom," Ben adds. "Ben and I will find Scoob and we will, like, saved the world." Shaggy finish.

Drums start to play and everyone grew nervous. "Uh oh." Kevin says. "The ritual's beginning." Fred says. "Then we better hurry up." Ben states. "Quick. Shaggy, you and Ben attach this to the vat." Velma says, tossing a pulley to Shaggy. He and Ben quickly rush over to the vat. "Shh! We're here to save you." Shaggy whispers to the people in the vat. "Shaggy, Ben, faster." Velma urges. The boys then got the pulley tied up.

"All systems go." Shaggy says, but unfortunately he and Ben were attached to the pulley. "Wait no!" Shaggy warns them. But they didn't hear him, "Mystery Inc. rides again." Fred says, then he, Kevin, and Velma ride down on the pulley attached to the pulley. But the pulley tied to the vat unwinds and Ben and Shaggy end up going up. They hit the ceiling hard and one of the hooks fall off, leading to Gwen and Daphne to swing a ledge for which they hold on to.

Shaggy and Ben then went flying into a man who was knocked out from the impact. The two got up and take off the climbing equipment, but then they heard chatter and look to find Scooby in a nearby room being pampered. "Would you like a Scooby Snack?" A woman asks. "Rokay." Scooby answers. "Scooby-Doo." Shaggy says, relieved to find his best friend safe. Ben was relieved as well but then notes that he and Shaggy will stick out, so he transforms into Grey Matter. "Like, what about me?" Shaggy asks him. "I'm not sure." Ben says. He tries to use his now higher intelligence to come up with something. Shaggy then looked back at the man they knocked out and got a plan.

As the monsters in the people entered the area, Kevin, Fred, and Velma quickly got up, "Quick, hide the Daemon Ritus." Velma says. The hid the relic in the bag with climbing equipment over it for good measure. Everyone started dancing and singing in a strange language. Seeing no other options, the three tried to mimic the dance as best they could to not get caught.

As for Shaggy and Ben, Shaggy put on the clothes of the guy they knocked out and Ben climbed up on him and hides under the vest. Some monsters then walked by and Shaggy danced to look less suspicious. The man regained consciousness and sneaks up behind Shaggy but Ben jumps on his face to distract him. Shaggy, unaware of what's going on behind him, then kicked the man in the groin which allowed Ben to jump on Shaggy's shoulder and watches as the man gets hit by Shaggy's elbow repeatedly until he falls unconscious again. Once the monsters have passed, Ben pats him on the shoulder, "Way to go, dude." Shaggy confused looks back and finds the man unconscious but then walks off to get to Scooby.

As the dancing trio, they continued to dance with the monsters, then look up to find Daphne helping Gwen climb up. Fred nods his head upward hoping they get the message. The two nod in understanding and go to open the vent.  Mondevarious appears with a strange contraption on his chest, mostly likely to attach the Daemon Ritus, and had N'Goo walking beside him with henchmen behind them.

Scooby-Doo x Ben 10 CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now