♡ NOT A HOPE IN HELL - naib subedar

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H/L H/C - Hair length & Hair colour

naib subedar x f!reader


You struggled against Martha's tight grip as she let you go and threw you into the chair, you growled and looked around at your teammates to see the person you hate the most, Naib Subedar.

The two of you had hated each other ever since you were younger and the fact that the two of you were here together now was horrible, You despised each other and hated being near him, you never knew why that day he decided to be rude.
But god, you were glad you stood up for yourself and defended yourself.

A annoyed sigh emitted from your lips as you looked up at Martha, Her chestnut brown eyes burned daggers into your skulls as she glared.
She did the same to Naib and he looked away in fear, you laughed at his childish actions which earned you a glare from Martha, which made you shut up immediately.

The other survivors / teammates whispered and looked at you and Naib as you both glared at each other, Martha cleared her throat as the other teammates soon quieted down.
"Since the two of you cannot seem to get along, you will be forced to get along. All matches you play you will both be in together and you will be forced to sit next to each other when eating, Is that clear?" Martha asked looking at the two of you with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes Martha.." the two of you said in usion.
"Now, I expect you two to do things together, such as decoding, healing, rescuing each other and escaping together, and I mean that. Now, You will be going into a match with Patricia and Mike. I will be spectating, Go on now."
The two of you obeyed Martha's words and waited patiently for the round to start.

Your vision went black before it was soon filled with colour again, you ran to the nearest cipher and rolled your eyes when you saw Naib, but you still decoded with him.
"Y'know, this doesn't mean we're friends n-" You cut him off by slamming the back of the cipher machine.
"I know you idiot." You left Naib once the cipher machine had gotten to almost the end and a ring occured through the map signalling Patricia had been hit, A cipher popped in the distance along with the one you and Naib decoded, another ring was heard and Patricia was knocked down, she was chaired and saved not shortly after from Mike.
Mike healed her and you reached halfway of decoding a cipher, Naib had been incapacitated and you finished the cipher running after Naib as he had been chaired on the other side of the map, Mike and Patricia were decoding somewhere else.
Patricia had been hit right as Naib's rocket count down hit halfway, you came into view with him and rescued him.
"Took you long enough." He groaned limping away with you body blocking him, You scoffed as you stopped to heal him.
"Oh shut up, I was on the other side of the map. Be grateful I even saved your sorry ass." You spat wrapping the bandages around his stomach, he stayed silent while you did so.

You hadn't even realised Patricia was gone and that Mike was chaired.
"SHIT!" You yelled leaving Naib behind you, you ran as fast as your legs could take you to Mike (he was on the other side of the map) and you rescued him right before he got sent away, The hunter, which you had now known as Wu chang searched around the area that you saved Mike from as the two of you hid. Wu Chang left not shortly after to find another survivor. You were in the middle of healing him before Naib popped the last cipher boosting Mike's health to full.

You yelled, "The hunter has detention!" As all hunters get detention whenever the last cipher is popped / finished.
You and Mike ran to an exit gate and let out a sigh of relief that the hunter wasn't there, The gate had reached halfway before Naib had left the two of you alone in the map with a hunter that you didn't even know of their location
The exit gate opened and the two of you left finishing with a win.

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