♡︎/❦ VANILLA FRAGRANCE - michiko

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A/N; in these stories I usually refer to the reader as a female so I'm so sorry for that, please tell me if it bothers you that the reader is always referred to as a female instead of a male or the reader being gender neutral.
please tell me the gender you'd like for the reader to be as.

Michiko / The Geisha X Reader

The scent of your figure lingered through the manor like a vanilla fragrance. The scent was so sweet, yet sickening at the same time.
Almost like being loved, but being stabbed in the heart at the same time.

You lingered through the halls greeting a few people politely as you did so, your steps and posture were so quiet but elegant, You were considered to be the survivor version of the hunter that you were fond with known by the name of The Geisha, who was also known as Michiko.

She had tutored you many times in a way to be more polite or.. Elegant, as she'd say.
You were making your way over to her anyways to talk about something, this was something you hadn't wanted to talk about to anyone. But knowing The Geisha, she'd listen and understand so gracefully.

The light tapping of your shoes emitted through the hallways until you were brought with the pink and white decorated door with the name, 'Michiko' engraved in it with a joint-written font.
You knocked quietly feeling your knuckles shrivel against the sudden contact of the hardwood.
Shuffling was heard behind the door before it creaked open revealing the familiar face of a Geisha.
She gave you a bow which you returned, "Y/N." "Michiko." The two of you exchanged a smile before she let you in covering her face with her fan incase someone were to see.
The bright sun shon directly into your eyes causing you to cover them before closing the blinds.
"Sorry dear." Spoke the Geisha with an apologetic smile on her face which you returned. "It's alright Michiko."
"Now, Shall we begin?" Asked the taller female, You agreed and sat watching her every move and listening to her carefully.
Her figure was small and fragile but yet so delicate and elegant.

She grabbed your hand lightly before swinging you upwards holding onto your taller frame carefully.
She intertwined both of your hands together before smiling and guiding you across the wooden floor.
It took a few tries but you eventually figured it out.
She removed her figure from yours watching your every move so carefully as you tried doing it without her guiding you or without her even there.
You leaned forward and stood straight as The Geisha giggled and clapped.
"Well done dear! That was amazing!" She spun you around happily which you giggled at before you spun with her.
The two of you ended up trampled over on top of each other as a giggling mess.

You stood up shaking off the dust on your legs before helping up the smaller female in front of you.
An alert sound ran through both of your ears signalling you had a match starting soon.
You held your head gripping onto a bed post as you slowly started to feel dizzy and woozy.
You eventually regained your balance and posture which The Geisha did too, the two of you were walking to your match looking at each other while talking before you turned the corner bumping into the guards.
"Ah, I'm sorry!" You said apologetically to The White Guard that stood in front of you, You bowed apologetically before running while holding The Geisha's hand towards your match.

You stopped abruptly before giving a small smile to Michiko before you panted out of breath. She giggled lightly covering her face with her fan before walking into the hunters faction with you following into the opposite faction.

There your teammates sat, Melly, Martha and Vera.
You questioned Vera's outfit in confusion as to why she would ever wear that, Vera had an amazing fashion sense and would never think to even wear green and brown together.
The colours mixed together in a disgusting manor making you gag before walking towards your seat.
You pressed the ready button with the hunter, which you knew as Michiko following.

Your vision faded to a black void before it was replaced with dark colours, you memorised the map as Lakeside Village and ran towards the shack to decode, "Focus on decoding!" You yelled. When you were almost halfway finishing decoding the cipher, Martha yelled "The hunter is near me!" Before getting terror shocked, you sighed knowing she probably got terror shocked by vaulting a pallet or window like she always does. A cipher popped in the distance before you left the almost finished cipher to rescue Martha, you quickly avoided the Geisha's hit making her get her fan stuck into a wall, she groaned which you frowned at and mumbled a small sorry before rescuing Martha, Martha ran away limping as Michiko struggled to get her fan out of the wall.

She sighed in defeat before you helped her yanking it backwards slicing your hand a bit in the process, She gave a small bow and mumbled a thank you before running into the direction that you pointed to where Martha had ran.
You were running back to the cipher you were decoding before it got popped leaving 2 as another one popped in the distance.
You groaned as Martha got chaired yet again, this time being sent back to the manor and The Geisha setting off after another person.
Vera got incapacitated and you groaned loudly screaming across the map.
"Sorry.." she said.
You slammed your head against the wall with Melly yanking you behind a corner slamming hand over your mouth as the Geisha floated past you two, Melly ran and rescued Vera setting Geisha off back to where you three now where.
You saw Michiko coming into view and you ducked behind a wall scraping your shoulder slightly. Melly was about to finish healing Vera before Michiko dashed over to her and only slicing a bit of Melly's shoulder as she had stopped just in time to avoid getting incapacitated.

Vera was chaired and you ran over to a cipher to decode, Melly used her bees before rescuing Vera but the two of them getting incapacitated in the process.
You mentally slapped yourself and the two girl's stupidity and set off to find the dungeon.
You ran to random ciphers decoding for a split second to avoid getting croww above your head.
You felt drained and your movement speed slowly slowed as Martha got sent off.

You tiredly dragged yourself to a corner of the map planting yourself there before leaning against the wall, your eyelids dropped before completely closing.

The Geisha was camping the dungeon before a black and red puff of smoke appeared, Michiko was confused but teleported to the cipher that was closest to there.
She switched back to her original form and walked over to the puff of smoke.
There layed your sleeping figure, you looked terrible. Bags under your eyes, bruises all over you from other hunters.
The Geisha frowned before picking up your figure and carrying you to the dungeon, she dropped you in letting you fall before the match ended.
She appeared on the hunters side of the manor but quickly rushed over to the survivors side. She saw your sleeping figure and let out a sigh of relief before holding you bridal style carrying you to her room.
You clenched to her tightly without even realising it before she turned a corner almost bumping into the black guard.
"Hey! Watch i-" The Black guards annoyed expression turned into a worried one as he kept quiet watching the Geisha take you to her room.
He called his brother and the two guards waited outside of her room patiently.

Michiko placed you down on her bed throwing the silk covers over your shivering body, she grabbed a glass of water and Panadol before placing it on her bedside table.
She sighed looking at you with a whole lot of worry placed on her face. She shook it off knowing you'd be fine, but a small part of her thought differently. She placed a small peck on your forehead, blushing at her actions before exiting the room.
The two guards gave The Geisha a concerned look before she explained with worry plastered on her voice.
You were like family to the hunters side of the manor, and your scent was pretty much addicting. You had a scent of Vanilla that was a labled a fragrance that even Vera wanted to turn your scent into a perfume.

Besides that, the three friends soon began to worry for your mental health, Michiko was afraid she pushed you too much with the what she was teaching you, Xie was afraid he hit you with his umbrella too hard, and Fan was afraid that one time he judged the way you talked had caused you to go to the Geisha for help.

We all make mistakes,
And we all have regrets.

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