❦ LOVESICK - joseph desaulniers

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A writhed smile was plastered over your face as you watched the two hunters glide against the dance floor together. Your teeth clenched as he smiled at her with his eyes glistening with love. You looked away disgusted at the love he gave to her, you should be the one receiving love from him.
You've been there for him 25/8, you were always supporting him and his actions, you comforted him every time he was sad or down.

But why? Why did she get all the love and happiness..? You deserved so much more then this, you were sick of being thrown in the dust and getting treated like you were nothing. You did everything and anything to get his love, but did you get it..? Of course not, because she always mattered more.

A sigh emitted from your lips as you watched the couple's dance together as the moonlight decayed onto their faces. You took a sip of your wine only for a tap to be put on your shoulder, you turned around to be brought with the familiar face of a seer.
“Ah, Hello Eli.” He gave a small smile before extending his hand out to you,
“May I have this dance?” Your face tinted a light shade of pink, “I don't see why not.”
He grasped your hand lightly and took your hand in his, one arm wrapped around your waist while yours wrapped around his neck.

Your eyes met as you glided against the dance floor swaying together in perfect harmony and sync, not once did you break eye-contact. He chuckled as you shyly looked away from his gaze, He wrapped one leg around yours making you confused until he dipped you down before bringing you back up again with a twirl.
You smiled at him as you dress swayed with the two of you, your crown slightly tilted to the side making Eli chuckle before he fixed it. You thanked him with a small smile before the dance ended, and you two parted saying your goodbyes.
“Oo! Get some Y/N!~” Vera yelled along with Fiona, you rolled your eyes playfully before taking a seat next to the two girls. Your eyes drifted back to the couple only for you to frown, you watched her curl her hair around her finger and stare into his eyes with pure ectasy and love.

You looked away right as he looked at you making him frown, Vera looked at your sour face and she sighed asking you what was wrong.
You explained it making her stare at the couple with a glare, “Unrequited love huh..” She muttered, You nodded.
“I need some time alone for a bit." You mumbled to her as you made your way up the stairs of the ball and onto the balcony.
Vera understood and stood next to the door with Fiona, the two blocked it allowing no one to enter.

The Photographer apologised to his fianceé as he left her looking around for you, he frowned when he was unable to find your face or even make it out amongst the group of people.
“The balcony..” He muttered to himself making his way up the stairs seeing the two ladies blocking the doorway, “Sorry Madimoiselle's, I need to get to the balcony.” Vera sent a glare to The Photographer,
“Last time I checked, we don't allow assholes to go and break our friends heart.

“Ma Cherie's I really don't have time for this I need to—”
“Joseph, Mi amour!~” Called out his fianceé's voice, he sighed giving the two girls a pitiful look before making his way back downstairs to his almost wife.


You made your way onto the balcony seeing two males talking, “Ah, Hello Y/N.” Aesop said, You went to reply before Naib beat you to it.
“Hey Y/N.” “Hey." You said with a small wave and smile which he returned before talking with Aesop again, you sighed sliding down the wall next to the door.
You banged your head back on the bricks trying to forget about him, but your mind only drifted straight back to him. “Y/N, are you alright?" Asked Naib crouching in front of you, he grasped one of your hands softly.
You gave him a small but weak smile,
“Yeah just.. Lovesick. That's all..”

“Him again right?” You nodded as Naib pulled you into a hug, You slowly felt tears brim at the edge of your eyes staining his tux, He whispered sweet nothings into your ears as he comforted you as well as Aesop helping too.

“It's alright Y/N, it's gonna be okay.”

“You're alright Y/N, don't worry about him.”

“He doesn't deserve you.”

“He's not worth anything, trust me.”

By then, your breathing had adjusted back to normal, you looked up at Naib and Aesop with your tear stained face choking out a small thank you before giving them a weak but but affordable smile. Naib gave you one last hug before leaving the balcony with Aesop.
You stood up from the wall making your way over to the railing, the smooth stone sent shivers down your spine as you grazed your fingers over it watching the dust slowly flutter into the air. You looked down at the roses and vines that wrapped around the balcony watching a butterfly land on a specific one. It fluttered off not shortly after as you made your way over to it.

You carefully removed it from the vines getting slightly pricked with the thorns that spun around its stem.
You held it in your hand lightly and looked up at the midnight black sky.
The door to the balcony opened only to shut not shortly after.
“Y/N!” Called out a familiar voice, You turned your head to be brought face to face with a familiar photographer.
You pushed him away from you and spun back around leaning against the railing of the balcony again, He frowned.
“Mon chérie, what's wrong?”

You crushed the stem of the rose in your hands feeling the thorns prick into your skin before drawing blood that was now leaking down your arm.
You didn't reply to Joseph, you just ignored him.
“Y/N, what's wrong? Tell me.” You turned around to him with a sigh and frown on your face.
“Everything, Joseph. Everything.” You gave him a small but weak smile before pushing past him trying to leave the balcony. He blocked the door-way making you sigh, “Y/N. Tell me what's wrong.”

“Look, Joseph. I don't have time for this I-” He cut you off, “Tell me. I'm not gonna say this again.” You sighed, “Joseph, just leave me alone for a bit.” He frowned and let out a sigh as you walked past him.

“What did I do wrong..” He muttered, glancing over the edge of the railing.


The Former Photographer glanced over at the bridesmaids watching them talk amongst themselves before he saw your figure standing and adverting your gaze away from his own. He frowned before the music started signalling the.. so called ‘bride’ would be walking down the aisle.
Everyone's eyes glued towards the aisle awaiting the presence of the ‘bride’.
The woman walked out with a white dress wrapping around her figure with lace before puffing out at the bottom. Her arm was intertwined with her father's before their arms unlocked and she stood stood next to the groom.

A long of what seemed to be paragraph of words were said before a sentence started that adverted your gaze from the floor and back up to the almost married couple. The Bride said her vows which had what seemed to be a total blur to you, before he started to say his vows.

“I Joseph Desaulnier, take you, Mary Antoinette to be my wife, my partner in life, and my one true love. I wish cherish our union and love you more each day then I did the day before.

I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together.
I give you my hand, my heart, and my love. From this day forward for as long as we shall live.”

The priest said a few words before one sentence that came out of his mouth struck you.
“You may now kiss the bride.” People broke out into tears and started shouting and praising them both.
You let out a quiet but choked sob before running out of the ceremony. Many people quieted down as they watched you run with hot tears streaming down your face.

If only you had tried hard enough, maybe then you could've won his love.
But you did try hard enough..
Didn't you?

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