Episode 44

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Ignore mistakes!!!!

When you look at me,
I know we are together
Because it was meant to be.

Conversating with lots and lots of businessmen Zach throw a glare at Neil who was comfortably talking to some old hags on and on and he could only smile at them.

Trust Neil to enjoy every bloody business meet.

Zach groaned and look here and there boringly when his eyes finally met the group of youngsters chilling and laughing. His gang specifically.

They wave at him from a far not at all making a move to come near them and greet them.

They would probably be at the bar then talking bullshit of shares and the business market and all. They do work all the time and if given choice they would love to be in Antarctica rather than having conversations with old overly self obsessed retired businessmen.

Much to say, they all are like Zach and only Neil is exception among them. Zach smile brightly like a Christmas tree seeings his pals and nudge Neil.

He eyed him to get the fudge away from this boring business men who are unexpectedly started increasing in numbers and no one is interested leaving, which made him gone on a lane of thinking how many invitation he gave out.

Does businessmen crash charity event to get benefits for their company.?

If it is, then he is so going to keep an eye in future on who he invite to his party and who has come without invitation.

Neil rolled his eyes getting fed up with the 26-year-old kid irritating him like he is an infant. Even they are relatively sane compared to him.

Neil : Dude are you in your senses. Mr. Walker almost got the hint of you not taking interest in the talk. He is a freaking an investor in your dad company. He hissed once they were away from the boring businessmen that Zach loved to called.

Zach : what's with the hint. I. Am. Not interested in that shitty talks.

Zach : And please don't take dad name. I am anyway going to listen his lecture on how I should behave like a man and not like a kid. But you know what It's him who should remember that I'm married, I am a married man now and he can't scold me in front if my wife. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get scold by your father for not putting shoes in proper place infront of your wife. Dude it's freaking embara----.

Neil : Okay, I got it. And I'm listening the same shit for almost three months now so shut it. I'm not interested anymore.

Zach : Did you just.. He glared at him.

Zach : You know what fuck you. And listen here, I am not giving you your new PS console back. He punch his shoulder and manoeuvre towards the bar where he happen to see his pals.

Atleast they'll not betray him like Neil.

Neil shook his head looking at his retarded figure.

Neil : And he says he has grown up. Wow.

His eyes ran over the hall looking for certain someone with hazel brown eyes which were captivating him the whole evening and it was really hard to look away from them.

"Looking for someone" a whisper with a poke on his shoulder intrude his search of his junglee billi.

A smile came instantly on his face hearing the familiar whisper. Turning around he found the same captivating  hazel eyes looking back at him with raised brows and a grinning smile on lips.

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