Chapter 15: Mend the Broken Ends

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Today was.. today is a bad day. You see, after having a highly physically and emotionally draining week, some people preffer to sit back and relax, catch up on some televison and just "chill". But not for me. I had the wonderful pleasure of either meeting my amazing aunts, who by the way, I had absolutlely no desire to meet or, meet my well, sort of cousin. You see, what happened was, when I was born, my grandparents kind of threw my mother out. So, even though they were alive, they never spoke much. Actually, they never spoke until my mother officially got working for the UNICEF organization, when she moved to Spain. My mother had a younger brother, my uncle who I never actually got to meet in person. To be very truthful, I never got to meet any part of my mother's family. I would include father's in that list but I do live with them, sort of. Anywyas, my point is, they never spoke so they really did not know what was going on in each other's lives. For example, my mother did not know that my uncle was married not did she know that he had a daughter. Yes, I had a cousin who I did not know existed.

I had sat down with Zara and spoken to her about everything which had occured with my grandmother the previous week. It was a doze of utter suprise and shock. So much so that I still had troubble completly accepting it today. But it did. The point was, after all of that, my relations with my father's side of the family were finally mending. I did not feel like an observer anymore. I felt somewhat a part of it. Somewhat I say because I knew that, even though my aunts, my uncles, my cousins all smiled at me and acted with grace and compassion towards me, they had one question lingering in their minds:

"So she just waltzes in here and we accept?"

Well, it was a fair question. I mean, if I were in their place, I would feel the same way as well. So, the fact that the first step towards the improvement of my relations with them had been taken meant a lot to me. More than they could ever imagine.

A few days ago however, something strange happened. I got a letter adressed to me by my mother. Now, this was strange because firstly, this was the 21st century so who in the world still wrote letters? Secondly, my mother hated writting. She would had rather called up at some absurd time, yes she has a very bad habbit and would have spoken for hours and hours, elaborating and exadurating the subject. But she didn't. Natrually, I was currious so, I opened it and shocked would not begin to cover my reaction. I called Zara instantly.

My mother never spoken about her family when I was growing up so I never asked. I always asumed that she never had any. That she was adopted or something. But, the letter did not say that. It read:

Dear Caroline or Zara [who ever is reading],

I know you've all been very happy with family and stuff but its time you know more. I too, have a famoily but we don't speak much. We stopped after they figured out that I was keeping Caroline [btw, this is not your fault so don't get any self esteem issues]. So yeah, we stopped then. I have two parents and one younger brother.

We started talking a little after I got the job at UNICEF. But that was so little that I did not think of it as relevant to even mention. That is why, you both have never heard of your maternal family. The reason why I'm telling you guys all of this now is because I have some very bad news for you. Well, I never actually thought even writing this would be tough. So, what happened was that your maternal grandparents and your uncle and his wife have been involved in a terrible car accident. Every one at the moment is in a critical condition and yes, it is quite sad. But that's not the main point of this whole letter. The thing is, apparently, your uncle has a daughter. Her name is Natalie and she is 17. Yeah, she's in high school and you can imagine what she will be going through.

Now, none of them know about you and your royal titles. She knows she has two cousins living abroad but she believes that you both go to university. Here's the thing, she lives in New York. So, this is what I want you guys to do. I want you both to go there and pick her up. Make her live with one of you because, eve though you both never will admit it, you both practically live together. Now, step two, make her feel loved, involved and all of that. From what I hear, she's kind of an akward child so, get her to speak up and feel normal. I would also get involved in this and I will but there is not much I can do. You both are closer to her age so your influence on her would have a larger impact. So, this means, no partying [ actually, in this case that might help so keep it to a minimal ], no fighting, no drinking and stuff and a lot of usual girly things like make overs, shopping, movies and the list goes on.

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