Chapter 7: The emotions of music.

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It was the morning of June 21st when I finally opened her eyes. I stretched my hand a little and blinked twice. If anyone else had seen me , I would resemble a cat to them and perhaps, I was. I stayed in that same position for another five minutes, wearing off the last clutches of the wonderful sleep. How long had I been sleeping again? Oh what the hell. How did that matter? I felt wonderfully relaxed  for one and now, was certain that I would not need to put makeup to cover up my dark circles today. I was going a 100% au natural today.

A smile appeared across my lips. Yes, this was a good day. Then, I yawned for the last time and turned to my right to face her nemisis- the alarm clock. I screamed. It was a loud, blood pericing scream. At that moment, any one  in a five meter radius would have either dropped dead or would have gotten the fear of God. Yeah, I screamed, loud and terrifyed.

That very instant, my maid Nina rushed into the room. Nina was terrified to say the least.

"Madam, where is he? What happen?" she asked me with a strong Russian accent.

"I-Its 9. Its already 9! I promised them that I'd be there byu 11! Now I'm going to have to have my breakfast, get ready and go" I said, counting the items with my fingers.

"Nina! Help!" I screamed, jumping out of bed as she sighed and laughed at my actions.

Yes, I could be a real child sometimes. I rushed into my bathroom and furiously began to brush my teeth. Then I remembered my favourite meal of the day- breakfast.

"Nina! Make me chocolate chip pankakes!" I screamed from my bathroom, holding my brush.

Fifteen minutes later, I was wearing my light pink silk robe with my hair dripping wet and my fuzzy pink rabbit shoes covering my feet. They were so warm! I was standing infront of my rather large wadrobe thinking of what to wear. I had to choose something which was conservative, elegant, princess-like yet, modern and creative. Why on earth was fashion so complicated? Why couldn't I simply wear my sweats?

Today was Bella's big concert. She was a famous violin player, only 15 though. Just like her father, I thought with a smile. She also kind of looked like him though everyone said she resembled her grandmother more. She was a brilliant teenager who looked up to me like a big sister and I thought of her as my younger sister as well. Being a princess, our parents had been close. Thus, Bella often came to spend her summer vacations with either me or Zara when she could. In fact, I even named her! She had been talking about this concert for months now.. it was her chance to be recegonized internationally. Thus, I had to look amazing.. partly for me but mostly for her.

After a good ten minutes of pondering, I picked a sleveless black dress which ended one inch above my knee. It was a simple black dress, a halter neck which wasmade with lace. It was beautiful and just perfect for an occasion like this. With that, I chose to wear my nude Alexander McQueen open toe pumps and a nude Chanel clutch. I was also going to wear a pair of dangling gold Alexandria  earrings and a gold lace, Alexandria bracelet. I planned to leave my hair open tonight and that was it! I was ready! Finally!

Within the next hour, I finished my breakfast and was ready to leave. My chauffer Peirre was awaiting my arival downstairs and as soon as he saw me, we left. We were to take my private jet to Moscow where the concert was taking place. That, was a 5 hour plane journey from the JFK airport. So, If I left now, I would reach there by 4. The concert was due to begin only at 7 but by the time we landed and I reached there, it would be time. A few minutes wouldn't hurt would it? Nope.

So, I stopped over at Gucci and picked up a white lace top for her. She always loved lace and this was a congradulations gift from me. Finally, we were on our way to the airport and within the next half an hour, I was on my luxurious private jet, ready to be flown to Moscow by my Yuri, my piolet. On the flight, I began to work on my laptop. What else could I do for the next 5 hour? I had already slept more than enough and this was the only thing left,

As I began to work, I saw that I had a message on facebook. It was from my friend Cecelia Walters. I smiled. That girl just would not loose contanct no matter what. It read,

"U will nvr beleive wht happened 2 me 2day! Ryan freakin Fields came 2 talk 2 me abt his music video & photoshoot! OMGGG!! Txt, inbx, reply whtever ASAP!"

She was always so dramatic. Wait.. Ryan Fields, why did that sound familar? Could it be.. no!

"Waitt.. /that/ Ryan Fields?" I replied.

Almost instantly, her reply arrived.

"duh! y else would i be makin such a big fuss??"

Righhht.. because you really aren't dramatic, I thought to myself with a smile. That was indeed suprizing. He stopped talking to us ever since he broke up. I walways suspected that he had a crush on Zara but that have been just me. Last time I checked, a long time ago, he was going into politics like his father. Whatever happened to that?

I was just about to reply when Yuri's voice rung through the aircraft.

"Princess Aaliyah, we are landing in Moscow in ten minutes"

Wow.. those five hours really disappeared fast didn't they?, I thought to myself as I shut off my laptop after telling her that I would talk to her later.

Stepping out into the cool landscape of Russia, I smiled, recalling the weather of Switzerland and Cordeliers. Those were good days. It was 4: 30 now and in an hour's time, I was going to be at the Palace for the concert. As calculated, I was at the palace exactly an hour later after which, I was taken up to the living room, packed with guests. Most of them were elite and prominant personalities in the world of whom, I recegonized few. The others were famous musicians and royalty. I smiled at a few people who were known to me and made my way to my sister Zara who was dressed in a stunning emerald green sleveless gown.

We both spoke for a while and then, I looked around as someone else began to speak to her. That was when I saw him- Luke. He was talking to a group of girls, laughing as his arm was around one of their waists. I took a deep breath and looked the other way. He looked so happy. But then, why was I so sad?

"Caroline, its starting" Zara whispered to me as both of us smiled and walked into the concert hall.

The concert itself was magificent. Bella indeed was a Sharp. She was confident, cool, calm and perfect that night. She produced music that professionals at the age of 40 or 50 would have difficulty creating, let alone a 15 year old. By the end, everyobe gave her a standing ovationa and I could see a few people tearring up. It was a beautiful concert.

After that, we were taken into the ballroom where people mingled and spoke. This time, I avoided Luke like plauge. We could not see each other, it was too painful. It was a miricle that I was able to concentrate on the concert more than him and I wasn't going to talk to him, until I was forced to do so.

I could see Bella appearing and everyone whispering about her with a smile. Her grandomnther- Queen Helena was beaming with pride as she embraced her granddaughter. She was the topic of the night and she looked wonderful. Although 15, she looked like a 28 year old princess. Holland had finally found its next heir after all.

After the crowd thinned down a bit around her, I walked up to her with a smile, embraced her, handed her the gift and spoke to her for a bit. Our conversation was short. I had to avoid Luke and she had to get back to the party. I told her how magnificent she was and she simply smiled, shyly. She was going to come to New York in winter, then we would really talk. Now, the both of us had to leave each other's company, relcutantly.

Bidding my goodbyes to some other people,I quickly disappeared out of the door and to the car which took me to my private jet. Climbing in, I felt secqure for the first time that evening.

"Change of plans Princess Aaliyah?"  rang Yrui's voice as I wiped away stray tears from my face.

"Something like that" I replied in a confident tone as the flight took of and for the first time in two whole years, I cried myself to sleep.


Please read, comment , vote and review. i wrote this for a friend as well so enjoy! :D

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