Chapter 10: The evil queen and her plans.

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Valarie Arlington was not a weak nobody. No ways. She was what they considered to be a "mean girl" or was she? Valaire was worse that mean. She was cruel- beautifully cruel. Had vampires truly existed, she would have been the perfect one. Valaire Arlington was cold, cruel, charming and a perfect sadist. She felt nothing when she ruined a person's life- infact, many suspected that she quite liked it. So then, why was /she/ not engaged to Robert Castilo? Why was that virtious 'goddy-two-shoes' Caroline engaged to him when it was clear to the world that the cliches of 'opposites attract' did not work out? She did not deserve someone like him- Valaire did.

Valaire, almost hauntingly remebered the exact events which ruined her perfect plan for life- the arival of that.. gosh, she had no way to describe her. Caroline Fiala was just too annoyignly perfect. Unlike Kallilia who was perfect yet not in the way that you felt like ripping her face of every time you saw her but in a more regal, untouchable way. Caroline's perfection was similar to sugar- too much could spoil the taste of anything and she was the living representation of excess. Valaire had to actually prevent herself from choaking that stupid girl to death. Yes, she had numerous occasions and she had been tempted more than once on many of these occasions.

You see, Valaire's father owned the largest oil company in Russia and her mother was a supermodel. Given the choice of last names, she chose Arlington over Peshkov. Valaire Peshkov sounded too disgusting but Valaire Arlington, it made her feel like a ducchess and she often acted that way. Her motto had always been "Got you wrapped around my finger so you can count on me to misbehave."

Previously, she had despised Cecelia Walters but after little miss Caroline Fiala's arival, her target had switched instantly. Now, Valaire Arlington stood by the French window in her luxury bathed penthouse, overlooking all of Paris, swirling a glass of Red wine in her hands, absent mindedly. She had grown up now. She was no longer considered pretty- she was breathtaking now. She had beat her own mother at her game. Now, the world knew who Valaire Arlington was. But that was not enough. No. She needed complete and total domination. For that, a certain someone had to be erradicated. But the only problem was that Caroline Fiala had completly disappeared off the map after their graduation. To many, the first possiblity would be a kidnapping or death. Valaire would be filled with joy at that thought but she knew that a gril like Caroline Fiala had no worth. Yes, she was the daughter of a UN delegate but people in Cordilers were not exactly ordinary either. You could have anyone from an Arab emir to a fashion empire scion and Caroline Fiala, in their terms was painfully ordinary. So, if someone was to get kidnapped, it would be more high profiled. Thus, Valaire came two conculsions- one, she had sold her identity to someone else or, she had lied about her real identity. Out of these two, the first one seemed more probable. After all, the girl did dress as if she were going to go to a supermarket. Valaire resisted the urge to puke. Who on earth would go to a supermarket- the one place swarming with the orinary goats and the fans. Yuck! She would have to be... normal. The thought of that was enough to make her feel disgusted. She hated her fans but they loved her. That was the thing about Valaire- everyone hated her but everyone envied her as well. Girls would spread disaterous rumers about her, yet, they would come to her, begging for her advice. Her life, was an anti-theisis.

Two years ago, Valaire had hired a private detective to find Caroline Fiala. She would have done it herself but she was far too busy and things were strange. Earlier, she had thought that Caroline had meerly sold her identity but it was slowly becoming clear that she had not done so. All pictures involving Caroline had simply vanished. She was not there in any of the graduation pictures. What Valaire meant b this was that, she was there but she looked different. The girl in the graduation pictures was worse than plain- average height, curly disgusting red hair, a slightly pimpled face, annorexic thin, ghastly pale and with silver eyes. It did not take a genius to fiure out that the girl's natural hair color firstly, was not red and secondly, she was not Caroline Fiala. That was the thing- Caroline came from shockingly simple backgrounds yet, she did not look it. She was tall, supermodel thin, pale yet tanned with a clear heart shaped face. Her cheekbones were high and she had clear, mezmerizing sapphire blue eyes and fine, lucious chocolate brown hair. She looked like a supermodel but never behaved like one. Valarie knew she was not wrong because, appart from Cecelia and Kalilia, she was one of the most beautiful girls in Cordiliers. Caroline's arival had upset the existing balace of power because she too, was breathtaking. The girl in the pictures could not be her. It was just not possible. Thus, she hired Anton- the best of the best.

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