Chapter 12: The Intersection of the Snob and the Modest

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I  awoke tired from  the previous night. That was strange. I had done virtually nothing but sleep on her private jet as it zoomed from moscow back to New York. Given that she arrived in New York at a ghasty 3 in the morning and reached her appartment only a good 30 minutes later, I had enough sleep on the flight. She had been emotionally and physically exhausted after all.

The concert had been absolutley enchanting but that hardly mattered. Bella was as usual amazing. She played with such precicon that most of the audience had been moved to tears. But that was not the issue. She saw him. I had not even spared him a thought after graduating from high school and had honnestly believed that it was the best way to move forward. It had worked for me but not quite. The moment I saw him.. sorounded by those glirls laughing and happy, my heart broke into a hundred pieces. The pain, the happiness, the memories- everything shot back at me mercilessly. As I leaned on her window sill, I felt the sunlight glarring down at her harsly. She felt it juging her. Who wouldn't? I had two gorgeous guys in her life and I simply couldn't choose. How pathetic was I? Words couldn't describe that. I felt this way when I first left Cordeliers, ready to begin my new life with Robert as Princess Aaliyah Andryine and no longer as the ordinary Caroline Fiala. How could I possibly choose? It was an emotional rollercoaster, slwoly wrecking me appart with every ticking of the clock. She was going to fall appart.

I actually could feel her stomach tying itself in a knot as I felt sick. Usually,  I would grab her Ipod and run in Central Park for a few hours but today- I felt too sick for that even. Thus, I virtually had no escape. Robert's constant calls were no help either. I felt guilty but why? I had not done anything wrong. In fact, I had not even spoken to Luke, fearing that she might give into temptation or worse- I might have to confornt the fact that he really had moved on. It was only fair of him to hate her. She had torn out his heart and mericlessly stamped it over and over. That thought did not affect her. It was the fact that he could have forgotton about her. He was allowed to no doubt. She chose Robert over him so, he was allowed to move on. In fact, many would encourage him to. People always said that if you really loved someone, you should pray for their happiness- rejoice in their joys. But she felt terrible at the very thought of him forgetting her. How selfish of her. He was allowed to.. he had to. Was it so wrong for her to think like this- yes, yes it was and she knew it. Then, one question appeared out in the dark crevices of her mind. This question haunted her- it stayed with her forever. Did she really love him?

With a sigh, feeling the tears about to leak out of her eyes, I returned feverishly to the comfort of her bed. I really did not want to meet anyone- this included Zara as well. I just wanted to be alone. To simply fall into the empty comfort of I sleep. To drown this missery with the pleasure of a simple, dreamless sleep. Thus, I lay down and closed my eyes. I let the tierdness flow over her like a tsunami and within ten minutes, was fast as sleep.

Exactly 4 hours later, my eyes snapped open as I felt Nina softly shake me. I could hear her trying to get me to wake up but I really didn't want to. I had tried desperatley to ignore her and simply move on with my slumber but I just couldn't. Half an hour later, I gave in, I let my eyes snap open as I slowly sat up.

"What?" I ask tierdly.

"You have two meetings today Ma'am. One wth Miss Talia Naroh in 45 minutes and the second one is a dinner meeting with Lady Vetsa con Flagarito." she reads out from my Iphone. 

I sleepily nod and drowsily pull myself out of my bed. Talia Naroh I remembered faintly. She as I recalled had been one of the "normal" students in Cordilers and now was a famous photographer.  She was actually curious to meet with her. As for Lady Vesta, it was simply a name to her. She remebered nothing else- no face, no personality, nothing. This was often the case. She met thousands of people every month and all of them were socially dominating in some sense. Thus, she could never segregate them as to who was more socially dominant. This Lady Vesta must be someone her family knew in Austia and she had most likely met her once or twice. That was why, she wanted a personal assistant but keeping one was such a pain. Thus, tonight, she would wing it.

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