Chapter 2: Arival at Cordeliers

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I sighed. Looking out of my window of my New York pent house was borring. I picked up my phone and checked it for messages.

"No new Messages. No missed ca-" I flipped my phone shut. I hated that stupid voice in the stupid Biritsh accent again and again when ever I checked for any new messages. But more importantly, why in the world didn't he call? Isn't the guy supposed to keep the girl happy? Gosh, he needed lessons on dating. I thought, rolling my azure blue eyes as I got up and began to rearange my photo albms. I picked up one and opened it. Pictures fell out like rain, as I tried to pick it up.

"Damn" I cursed. Why do I always forget to stick them?

Picking up one picture, I gazed at it for long. It was me, dressed in my crisp white blouse and my freshly ironed royal blue skirt with my black Alexander McQueen pumps. My hair was tied up and I had not worn my tie. Yeah.. I hated ties. Always felt as if someone was strangling me. Anywyas, back to the picture! My gold hoops were dangling as the gold heart pendant that my mother gave me for my 16th birthday with a "C" engraved in it dazzled in the sun. For a moment, I started at it, trying to recall when this was. Oh yeah! This was my first day in Cordeliers! It was the boarding school I was sent to by my mother.

Cordeliers wasn't like any of my other schools. Fancy was an understantement. It was amazing. The wroght iron gates would automatically open as your car just drove up the hill, through lush green and thriving gardens. The car would stop infront of a beautiful building.. actually no, castle. It was amazing. Every grey stone brick boasted 300 years of excelence that the school had produced. As I sat their, gaping with my mother in our silver Mercedes, the door of the car was unexpectedly opened by a tall man dressed from head to toe in white. I could still see his blonde hair seeping out from underneeth his hat. Sweedish.. I thought to myself as I smiled at him. I always had a skill of identlifying people's pasts.. most of the time it was correct too!

As we walked in, I felt more nervous than I had ever been. Everything was perfect here- the architecture, the decor, the silence and even the scenery. I felt as if I were in some sort of fantasy castle. We walked into a large room where a solitary oakwood table was placed in the middle, opposite a large French window giving a clear view of why the Switz alps were magical. On either side of the table, there were sofa sets, coffee colored and leather coated. In front of them were two black  glass coffee tables covered with neatly placed magazines. The lighting was dim and the floors were white marble. There was a soft music playing and after listining to it quite a bit, I identlified it to be some classical music, maybe Beethoven. The room, despite its edgy modern feel was strangely warm.

It was then that I noticed the lady. She must have been around 30. Her golden blonde hair was neatly tied up into a tight bun at the back of her head and her skin was pale. Why was everyone so pale here? Oh yeah, these were the Switz alps. From what I could see, she was tall and slim. Not thin but slim. She had a beautiful face, clear of any blemishes and was wearing a crisp black Chanel plant-suit. As my mother and I approached her, she looked up for a brief second and raised her first perfectly French manicured finger of her right hand, indicating that she wanted us to wait. She was answering a mail I suppose. Around five minutes later, she glanced up again.

"Yes" she adressed us in her confident British accent.

"Hello, I am Sapphire Fiala-" my mother started but was interupted by her.

"Yes, please fill out these forns and then, you may leave your daughter with us" she said, handing us a thick black file of forms and a gold pen with Cordeliers written on the side.

Great, forms. More writing and waiting, just what we needed. As we sat down on one of the coffee tables to fill out the forms, I was getting tired. This was ridiculous. The forms were so long and most of it so stupid. After my mother finished her form filling job, she smiled at me widley and slid across the file to me. I gave her a questioning glance.

"Yours darling" she said sweetly, almost too sweetly- why did my mother want me to suffer?

As I was filling out the forms, I surpressed several groans and giggles. This was so stupid. I understood the basic information like birth details, extra-curriculars and acedemic information but the rest was stupid! There was a question which went some what like this, "In 20 words or less, outline your phiospohy  of life". How a 16 year old was supposed to anwer this, I had no clue.

The next form was the worst. It was the education outline. According to this, I had to take one math, one science, one forgien language, one literature, one humanity, one comerse, one fine art, one performing art  and one sport subject, as well as one club. This was hell. How was I supposed to do 9 whole subjects! I glanced at my mother who meerly smiled sweetly at me. Yep, she was Satan.

The dorms were okay. I had my own room but I had to share a house with other girls. I wasn't nervous about living alone- my mother was hardly home most of the time anyways.

After three hours of tedious form filling, we finally submitted the swelling file to the lady, who's name tag I noticed now said "Megan."

"Allright then, you may leave Miss Andryine. We will take good care of your daughter" she said, smilling at us, for the first time.

I then, hugged my mother goodbye- I would not be seeing her for the next six moths. She smiled and left me. For the first time in my life then, I felt a new emotion- emptiness.

"Ready?" asked Miss Megan, interupting my thoughts.

I turned to her and slowly nodded as she laughed.

"Don't worry, it will be fine" she replied reassuringly as I smilled back, nervously.

Right, it would be fine. For her. She wasn't the one starting a whole new school year, in a different country, with no friends in a boarding school now was she. Well, there went my freedom!

Oh this was going to be bad, I thought to myself silently as I nervously started to recite a prayer in my mind.

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