Chapter 9: The judgement is wrong

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Luke stared out of his jet, angry. How could she say that? She was her sister yes but how much did she actually know? Nothing. It was all just well.. nothing. You simply couldn't judge a person like that, it simply wasn't fair. But what he did not understand was why he cared. Zara had always been judgemental and he had never alowed that to get to him before.

Why do I care, he thought to himself, swirling a glass of red wine absentmindedly.

With a silent sigh, he stood up and watched the plane decend gracefully in JFK. He did not know why he was doing this but he had to. She was the only person he could trust now- she would not judge him like the others. She would be a good person to talk to but the only problem was time.

Cecelia Walters. He had known her since she was born. Their parents had been the best of friends and when Kristina Theresa proudly announced the birth of a baby boy, things changed. They became closer than ever and instantly became neighbours irrespective of the area. What ever land the Theresa group owned around the world, the Walters quickly bought the adjacent land, becoming neighbours. Thus, they became closer than family. Kristina and Chloe Walters would shop together and take care of their children together while their husbands worked together. Thus, he witnesed his own as well as Cecelia's growth, as well as his own.

Despite this, he had never been paticularly close to her. Yes, she was there at ever "family" dinner which took place, precicly at 8 pm, every sunday night and was over every weekend and definetly at every other event, but that was all. He had never seen her as anything else other than a member of his extended family. She was pretty different from other girls in the sense that her world did not revolve around herself but she was a gril no doubt and that meant complications. Yet, she was the only one he could trust because, she wasn't a normal steryotype, she was so much more.

Walking out of his jet, he slipped on his sunglasses, avoiding the nasty glare of the New York sun. He slipped into his silver Mercedes and instructed the chauffer to take him to her house. Upon reaching the fancy appartment building, he walked in, climbed into the elevator , punching the button for the 12th floor. He then walked out briskly and knocked on her appartment door. For the next five minutes that he stood there, there was no reply.

Is she at home, he thought, knocking again.

Agian, no response.

Third time lucky, he thought, knocking again, this time, slightly louder.

And he was. There was an answer. A fait "coming" was heard on the other side of the door. A few minutes later, she finally opened the door. He just watched what she was wearing, unable to control his laughter and began to laugh.

"Hey!" she defended herself.

"I-I'm sorry, " he replied, trying desperatly to regain his composture.

This was just far too funny to keep a straight face about. The world always had seen Cecelia dressed to kill. She was what they affectionetly called a trendsetter. But today, oh this was epic. She had on a pair of lime green jeans and a oversized yellow sweatshirt with a smiley face printed on it, along with a pair of pink bunny slippers. Her long blonde hair was tied into a messy bun at the top of her head and in her left hand, she held a half eatten spoon filled with peanut butter.

"Yeah well, I know I don't look good enough to walk the runway but seriously! I don't look that bad either!" she says, walking in.

"Yes, yes you do look that bad" he replies with a grin.

"Zip it, now want a spoon?" she asks, showing him a spoon.

"spoon?" he asks confused.

She sighs. This guy could be so unbelievably stupid at times.

"Do you want a spoon full of peanut butter?" she asks, sleaning against her blck granite kitchen counter.

"No thank you" he replies, this was a side of her no one in the world would have ever seen.

"Okay then, how may I help you?" she asks, walking over to her couch and sitting down.

"Why do you asume that I came to you for something. I could have just wanted to say hi you know" he replies, sitting opposite her.

"Right, well the last time you wanted to say hi time was lets see... never" she replies, liking off the last remains of peanut butter from the spoon.

"Okay fine.. here's the thing" he replies with a defeated sigh and explains everything to her.

"Well, she is right you know. From her point of view, you're the evil guy who "ripped" her sister's heart coldly out.  If you were in her position, you would react the same way. Its natural. Just meet up with her and pray she'll listen to you and explain it all to her" she replies, thoughtfully after hearing his interpretation of the situation.

"What? That's it?" he asks.

I should have known, she'd always take her side, he thought to himself bitterly.

"Yep and I'm not taking her side you know" she replies, as if she were reading his mind.

"You're not?" he asks, slightly confused now.

Why on earth were girls so complicated, he asked himself.

"no, I'm being well.. Switzerland. I'm neutral. She shouldn't have lashed out on you like that but she had the right to. Why are you guys so stupid?" she asks with a grin.

"Yeah what ever. Thanks for helping" he mumbles.

Great, now she's going to hold this against me for life, he thinks, glaring playfully at her.

"No problem! Any time. You know Luke, I am your friend, despitewhat you think" she replies with a grin.

"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is it that you were doing, dressed like well, that" he asks, pointing at her colorful outfit.

"having a disco 70's night in the day?" she replies with a sheepish grin and a nervous laugh.

He smirks. Leverage, at last, he thinks gleefully.

"right" he replies with a grin, yanking out his Iphone and swiftly clicking a picture to immortalize this epic moment.

As soon as she realizes what is going on, she screams in protest. If someone had been at the other side of the door, they would have thought that there was a murderer of some kind inside.

Luke takes this as his clue, stands up and swiftly runs out. On a normal day, Cecelia would have outrun him instantly but now, she didn't stand a chance. Her favourite bunny slippers slowed her down a little too much. So, she instead screamed after him.

"Delete it!"

Luke on the other hand, was enjoying himself thouroughly. He had a wide grin and turned around for a brief moment to reply.


After this little episode, peace was finally restored, well almost. Luke sped down the elevator, slipped into his Meredes and narrowly escaped death where as Cecelia yanked out her old friend- the photo album. She picked up a picture of Luke and her as children and scanned this.

This is so going on Facebook, she though with a wide grin.

But first, she sent it to his email to threaten him.

That should do it, she thought to herself, knowing all too well that he hated his pictures as a child.


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