Chapter 2

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I wake up to my alarm, so I get my hand and shut the damn thing off, my eyes open slowly, immediately shutting at the intrusion of light through my blinds. I sigh and get up, my legs almost giving out, since I was so tired. But I get up and go to my bathroom to take a shower. I start the water and start to take off my clothes. I get in and instantly love the feeling of the burning water on my skin.

After my shower I go to my closet and pick out an outfit, simply picking a brown crewneck with black baggy pants and black low top converse. I get my bag and head downstairs, my parents had already left for work, so I just go out the door. The walk wasn't long, since I live so close to my school. The air was brisk, but I wasn't complaining, I like the cold. Once I get to school, I bolt it to the library, not giving my bullies any time for games. I get to my favorite section, fiction, and try to find a book, looking for something intriguing. Once I find a book that looks good, I find somewhere to sit and read. My mind sinks into the words, embracing them like it was real, imagining every little detail in my head. But I break from my trance when I hear someone put their bag down, I look up and see him. The guy that I have a crush on. I widen my eyes, going back to reading immediately, hoping he doesn't acknowledge me. Just this once, please. I feel eyes on me but continue to read. My face grows red at the intense stare.

"Hey, do you know any good fiction books, shortie?" My eyes go wide at the nickname, along with a crimson blush

"Um- well, th-there's uh- A Bait of Dreams by Jo Clayton? More of a kids' book but Percy Jackson? Also The Lions of Little Rock?"

"Okay, thanks for the suggestions shortie," he said as he swiftly walked away.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, being shaky all over; flustered. I hear the bell ring, get my bag, and head to class, followed by stares, of course. I get into class and get all my stuff out, the school day begins.

This whole day has felt weird when I went to go read in the library at lunch, Clay (my crush) comes in again. And it seems he remembered my suggestion cause he got those books. He kept staring at me, which was weird too. So, now I sit in my last period class, which loe and behold, is with Clay.

I watch my teacher write whatever nonsense on the board, ready to leave this hell hole. I hear something behind me. Two people whispering

"Stop staring at that fag Clay, it's weird"

"I'm not staring, I'm trying to look at the board, now shut up"

The whispering stops, tears prickling in my eyes. I take a shaky breath and compose myself, attempting to listen again. Before I know it, the bell rings. I take my bag and leave the classroom. I make it out of the building, but before I could do anything else, a strong hand yanks me to the side. They push me against the wall, yelling at me. I shut my eyes trying to block it all out. I feel kicks and punches at me, my knees give out and I fall to the ground, bunching up in a ball. Tears fall from my eyes at a rapid pace.

"Hey morons! Stop!" I hear someone yell
I look up to see Clay punch one of the guys, blocking and kicking them. Beating them up, for me? The next time I look up I see him in front of me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Why would you care?"

"Cause I happen to, now what did they do?"

I tried to get up, but failed, weak in every part of my body. He grabbed my arm lightly, pulling me up.

"Come with me, if that's alright?"


"You can come to my house so I can help you"


I walk, limping with every step, he holds onto my waist, helping me get to his car.

"Here," he said as he opened the door for me

"Thank you"

"Mhm, now let's go"

We eventually stop at a large house, he parks in its driveway and gets out. I open the door and limp to his side. He opens the front door, fumbling with some keys. He greets me inside and ushers me upstairs and into a room. His room. I blushed as I saw LED lights stripped along each wall, and little trinkets everywhere. Clay went into the bathroom that was connected to his room, grabbing whatever. He came back with bandages and bactine, and other wound stuff.

"Here, um- this might help a bit" he handed me an ice pack

"Thank y-you"

"Mhm, now where did they kick you?"

I stayed silent, slightly pulling up my shirt to reveal purple bruises and red marks littering my pale skin. His eyes went wide as he saw the marks, fiddling to get some supplies. He got some bactine and looked up to me to see if it was okay, I nod my head. He puts the bactine on a cloth then put it to my skin. I wince at the burning feeling, he pulls the cloth off immediately.


"It's fine, it just hurt a bit"

"It's just going to be for a sec, kay?"


He puts the cloth over my wounds again, this time I was prepared for the pain. After a few more seconds he pulls the cloth off and takes a damp one to clean the wounds again.

"Feel better?" he asks

"I mean, I feel like a train ran over me, but sure, I'm fine"

"Do they do that to you every day?"

"Uh- no, only sometimes-"

"Why haven't you reported them to the principal?"

"I mean- the principal wouldn't do anything about, since he's just the same as the rest of my bullies."

"What do you mean?"

"Cause I'm gay," I say bluntly


"That's it really"

"Well then bullshit. You shouldn't get bullied just because you're gay, it's wrong, and what does it have to do with anyone else's business about who you like?"

I stay silent

"Exactly, no one except your own business"

"Thank you, no one has ever been this nice to me, especially at this school"

"Oh, well no problem then. Friends?"

"Sure," I say, weakly holding out a hand.

Friends. We were friends. I couldn't be happier. I didn't think that anyone, ESPECIALLY my crush wouldn't be homophobic, my heart is racing, face hot. I think that flustered couldn't explain my internal state right now. Externally I was shit, but internally I was happy, for once.

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