Chapter 11 (filler chapter)

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***cool authors usually do these things called filler chapters to separate one big part of a book to the next. So here I am guys. Btw it's short (just like you)***

My eyes squint as a bright light above me is shown into them, my ears ringing. I look at my surroundings, seeing carts and a few chairs in this bland room, IV tubes and blood pressure thingy on my arm. I finally realize where I am, awake and alive... NO, NO, NO! I start to freak out, not knowing anything of what happened, or why I'm here, then the door opens.

"George?" A familiar voice asks

I turn around to see Clay at the doorway, looking at me with wide eyes and a smile on his face, his handsome face, and beautiful smile. He runs over to me and grabs me gently, pulling me into a warm embrace. I hear another person's footsteps near and enter the room; a man in a white coat with glasses and brown hair.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Marriott, it's nice to formally meet you, George," he smiled'

"Hello," I say shallowly

"Clay here is going to tell you a few things since he feels it's more comfortable for him to do it than me, who you've only known for a few seconds." he said as he leaves the room

"George, so basically," he pauses, "you're going to have to be sent to a psychiatric hospital, and I know it sounds scary, but you can get better there. And I can visit you everyday, plus, it's only for a week. If I can't visit you for some idiotic reason, then I can call you, okay?"

My face turns and tears prickle in my eyes, finally realizing what I had done, what I failed at.

"I-I'm sorry Clay, I-I d-didn't me-mean-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm glad you're still with me, I still have my amazing, handsome, cute, adorable, loveable, strong, brave, smart, stupid, and wonderful boyfriend." he comforts.

A small smile creeps onto my face at his kind words, still having fear in what he said, but I brush that away by giving Clay a big hug. I feel him smile and lightly peck my forehead. He makes me so happy, and for no reason that is. But I'm not complaining, not one bit. The exciting feeling that I have with Clay, the one that tears and breaks me apart.

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