Chapter 9

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“George! You’re awake! Thank god, what the hell happened? You passed out and I had to bring you here to the nurse’s office.” 

“I don’t know what happened either,” I state 

“When,” he pauses for a while, “when did you last eat, George?” He asks with concern. 

I try to think of the last time I ate, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint the right time. I thought that being clean for longer than I’ve ever been in months meant I was getting better. But maybe I was just delaying the inevitable. Distracting myself from self-harm just made me not eat. And I just realized this. I haven’t eaten in days. And I thought that I was getting better. 

“I-I haven’t eaten in a long while…”


“I-I didn’t realize that I wasn’t eating... I just, w-what’s going on?”

“George, you need to calm down for me. Can you do that?”

I breathe with him for a little while and eventually, I begin to calm down. I had just passed out in the middle of school because I haven’t eaten in days. I’m so fucking pathetic. Why can’t I just be normal? Just like everyone else? 

“George?” Clay snaps me from my daze


“Are you alright?”

“Can we go to home and just miss school for today?”

“Yeah, sure we can”

“O-okay, thank you,” I say with a smile 

“Okay I’m going to sign both of us out and te the office lady that you don’t feel good so I’ll look after you and bring you home? Is that a good enough plan?”

“Yeah, it’s brilliant,” I say, ruffling his fluffy dirty blonde hair. 

“Okay, I’ll be back,” he stares as he walks out of the now-vacant nurse's office,  of course, except for me. 

He eventually comes back and he tells me that his plan had worked. Then, with the help of Clay, with some struggles, I make it out of the nurse’s office and to the parking lot. Finally, he sets me down in the passenger seat of his car and buckles my seatbelt, which I blush and smile at him. He quickly pecks my forehead and makes it to the driver’s side. The car engine starts up and we still stay in our comfortable silence. 

“George, do you think you can maybe eat something?”

I look down at my hands, hiding my now frowning face. I didn’t want to eat, I don’t want to eat, but I just feel so bad for worrying Clay. I look up at him with numb eyes and shakily nod my head, cursing at myself afterward. 

“Do you want to go to your house or my house after we eat?” he asks me softly 

“Can we go to your house?”

“Of course, and is Subway okay?”

“Sure,” I lie, knowing that anything to do with food is not okay for me. 

Soon we pull up to a local Subway and get out of the car, walking inside, as Clay holds the door open for me(wow, what a simp). We make it to the end of the shop since the order counter is in the back. (Guys I fucking love Subway). 

“Do you want me to order you something small?” I nod at his suggestion, not wanting to get food in the first place, and also not liking talking to strangers. 

“Hello, what can I get you two today?” a feminine voice asks and looks up at us, her bright pink hair in pigtails complimenting her pink blush and eyeshadow. 

“Hello, um- I’ll get a footlong meatball sub with Italian bread.”

“Alright! I’ll make that right away and serve your boyfriend over there in a sec,” she states, which makes me blush like crazy.

Was it that obvious- oh… we’re holding hands, oops. I don’t even like PDA and yet, I’m standing in a Subway holding Clay’s hand which was at least twice the size of mine. Not my fault- I didn’t realize he was holding my hand. Before I could finish my ramble of thoughts, Clay nudges me telling me that it’s my turn to order.

“Can you please order for me? Just get whatever.” I whisper in his ear, having to go on my tippy toes to reach his height. 

“Yeah,” he replies, walking over to the counter for the second time, “He’ll have a 6-inch Italian bread with turkey, lettuce, olives (lol me[Olive]), cucumbers, and can you make that toasted please?”

“Of course! It’ll be just a minute”

We both waited at the register, and after about a minute she had both the sandwiches wrapped and in a bag to-go. Clay paid, of course, with my arguing, telling him that I can pay for myself, but he didn’t care and paid for both. We said thank you and made it back to his car, heading straight to his house. We eventually made it to his large home, getting out of the car, in the house, and up into his room. 

“I won’t look, just eat a bite?” I nodded while he handed me my sandwich. 

Hesitantly, I took off the parchment paper and grabbed the white bread with my frail hands. My lips started to quiver as my hands started to shake, breathing picking up. I cross my legs, close my eyes shut, and take a painful bite of the sandwich. I feel like vomiting as the sandwich is swallowed down my throat. I feel tears prickle in my eyes, my breathing becoming more uneven by the second. My head felt as though it was spinning, heaving long breaths as I feel the sandwich go down into my stomach. I reach for Clay’s hand, gripping it tightly as I squeeze my eyes shut. 

“Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay, thank you, George,” he says in a soft, loving tone

He makes me feel so safe, so secure, he makes me feel like I should actually have a place on this Earth.

Whatever I did to deserve this man had to be some sort of miracle, because Clay is too good for anyone. The best boyfriend anyone could ever have, the kindest person to ever meet, and the best assurer (don't know if that's a word) in the world. I feel like in all the places on Earth, the one place I belong is with Clay, buried in his arms.

“Want to cuddle?” he asks, to which I nod my head to

We both hold each other in our arms, relishing in one another's presence. He’s such an amazing person, and I truly do… love him, with all my heart.

YOOOOOO, don't you guys just love the endings of my chapters? Ikr, I'm so cool. Hope you all liked this chaper, sorry that it's a bit short (ha like you, loser) anyway THANK YOU FOR 130 READS OMG!! Love you all <33333

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