Chapter 15

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We had gone in the car, and started our drive to the beach. Eventually, we made it to the beach, and got a really good parking spot on the sand. The salty breeze of the ocean wafts through the air, and the sound of moving waves clams my senses. Clay and I interlock hands, his big warm hands contrasting mine, which are cold and frail. We walk into the ice cream shop, signaling a high pitched bell. A girl that looks about fifteen greets us as we walk to the ice cream counter.

"What flavors would you guys like?" She asks with a smile.

"Could I have a waffle cone with mint chip and cookie dough please?" Clay asks.

"Of course! And for you?" She directs her question toward me.

"Can I have a cake cone with cotton candy please?"

"Yep! Is that all for you two?"

"Yeah, that should do it," Clay responds

"It'll be right out," she smiles.
We both sat down at a table and before I got the chance to pay, Clay was already up and about to pay for both of our ice creams. I was not happy 😑😑😑. He comes back to our table with both ice cream cones in hand, some brown napkins spilling out of his pocket. He sits across from me and hands me my ice cream.

"Oh my god! George, my ice cream is so good!" He exclaims, eating the cookie dough flavored ice cream scoop first.

"I'll give my ice cream a taste, alright?" He nods

I lick the cotton candy ice cream and my mouth explodes with flavor. And now it clicks. I haven't had cotton candy flavored ice cream since I was like seven. (No one can tell me that cotton candy ice cream is bad. If you think it's bad- screw you /j). The flavor- in a way gives me nostalgia, so it makes me think of all the good times. The good times before the bullying started. Before when everyone thought I liked women.

"Taste good?"

"Yeah, it actually tastes really good," I state, smiling at Clay.

"You- *giggles* got something on your face," he laughs.


"Here I'll get it."

He takes a napkin from the table and moves his face closer to mine, wiping the ice cream off my face. He wipes the sticky ice cream off of my cheek, his face still lingering near mine. Clay cups my cheek and pecks my lips, which makes my stomach erupt with butterflies. He pulls away and sits back down in the cushioned seat. We both looked at each other- that was until Clay's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" All I hear is muffled voices and the sound of Clay's trembling voice. He keeps talking with whoever is on the phone, which I had an idea who he was talking to. I look at him and see a stray tear run down his cheek. He hums and says goodbye before he puts his phone down and gets up from his seat.

"Is everything okay?"

"They said I'll have a meeting with the girl, but if I have no proof of her raping me then they won't do anything," he sniffs.

"Clay, I will do everything that I can to make that girl go to jail- and hell for that matter."

I hug him tightly, and he rests his chin on the top of my head. His strong arms wrap around me and once we pull away, we walk out of the ice cream shop and to his car. I just want Clay to be happy again.

Hey guys, sorry for yet another short chapter. I've been struggling a lot lately, and finals are coming up, so I'll update you guys next week. AND HOLY SHIT ALMOST 1000 READS?! GOD DAMN TY SM MUCH. <333333333

-your author, Olive

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