Chapter 4

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I wake up from my screeching alarm, I turn it off, my wrist slightly brushing the plastic as I press the off button. I wince at the touch, pulling my arm away quickly. I squeeze my eyes shut, getting off my bed, memories rushing back from the previous night. I take a deep breath, calming my nerves.

I turn the light on, my eyes squinting from the abrupt brightness, I walk to my bathroom, getting the water running. I go into my closet to pick out an outfit, finding just some baggy khaki pants and a slightly (hardly noticeable) cropped hoodie. I go to my bathroom again, closing the door, taking off my clothes, and hopping in the shower. The water burns but I don't care, my arms sting but I continue to do nothing about it. I start to wash my hair and everything else. Once I'm done I dry off, cautious of all my wounds as I put on my clothes.

Once I do everything I need to do in my bathroom, I head out, grabbing my backpack and heading out the door, not thinking twice about not grabbing food. But I stop in my tracks, thinking about what Clay had said to me, his voice rang through my head.

'Thank you for drinking water'

He makes me want to do things that before I wouldn't dare to do. I go back inside my house, finding something small to bring, deciding on just bringing an apple. I grab the red fruit, stuff it in my bag, finally leave my house, and lock the door, beginning to walk to school.

Once I get to school, I head for the library, wanting just some peace and quiet before school starts. I accidentally bump into someone, though, on my way to the library.

"Watch it fag," the guy says before walking off

Tears threaten to spill after that happened, but I continue my stride to the library, hoping to calm myself down, maybe just a little bit. I walk through the big doors, going to my usual spot, but to my surprise, I see a blonde holding a book up to his face, eyes just above the top of the book. I let out a little giggle and go over to sit next to him.

"Hey Clay," I say with a smile. I swear everything this boy does makes me happy

"Hi George, how are you-ith this fine morning?" he asks in the weirdest fake accent on the planet

"Ew, stop talking like that, you dork, and I'm doing fine," the last bit I mumble

"Hey, are you sure, did something happen last night?" he asks with worry, tipping my chin up with his finger, which makes me blush.

I look up into his eyes and shake my head, signaling no, which I was lying. I didn't want to lie to him, I really didn't, I just don't want him to worry. I don't think my answer assures him too much, but he lets it slide, putting on a small smile, all for me.

"You sure?" he finally asks

"Y-yeah, I'm sure"

"I started reading one of the books you recommended me, and I actually really like it," he said changing the subject, which I was glad for

"Oh really? Which one?"

"Percy Jackson," he states with one big grin, pulling out the paperback book with a bookmark placed near the middle of the book.

"Looks like you've read quite a lot, aye?" I say in a joking tone

"What?! It's entertaining!" he argues

"True, true," I laugh as I start to pull out my own book

We fall into a comfortable silence, one that was so sweet and warm, it was like we were the only two people in the world. It was like we were both floating in space, we are so happy and comfortable that we don't need to speak. Just a simple smile would suffice, even a laugh, or a nod, but words had no purpose in this time, just silence, comfortable silence. But then this mother fucking shit ass bell has to ring and ruin it all, which the loud noise makes me jump. I sigh and get up, mumbling a short goodbye to Clay, and walk to my first class.

After a long boring lecture, I make my way to my fourth period, which just happens to be math, well shit man. I hate this class so much, but hey, at least lunch is after it, right? I walk into the bland classroom and to my usual desk. Calculus, this has to be the shittiest class ever, the teacher sucks, and every student in here is ready to die of boredom. After being yelled at for zoning out in class, the bell finally rings and I get my stuff and walk to the library.

I sit down in my favorite spot and sit crisscrossed, my mind sinking into the world of my book, the words filled with suspense. I jumped and turned my head when I felt the other side of the couch cushion sink next to me.

"George, have you eaten anything?" Clay asks me

I smile at him and reach into my bag, taking out the red apple I placed in there earlier this morning. His smile grows so wide I swear it's going to fly off his face, he hugs me tightly. But what confuses me more, is that wherever he hugged, he was wearily cautious of my arms, but I don't worry about it too much and started to hug back. He finally let's go, that contagious smile still plastered on his cute face.

"I'm so proud of you, George"

"T-thank you, Clay," I say with a probably obvious blush.

"Of course, shortie"

He grabs a bag of chips and an Arizona Iced Tea out of his bag, along with his book, and begins to read. While he's too enticed in his reading... and eating, I hesitantly bring the apple to my mouth. My hands shake, but I take a small bite of it, enjoying the bittersweet flavor of it. I knew Clay heard the loud crunch as I bit into it, but he didn't look over to me, instead just smiling widely. He remembered that I don't like when people look at me when I eat. That small action just made my heart flutter and my stomach fill with butterflies. For Clay I assured myself. I ate a few more bites before I knew that I couldn't finish it, I frowned as I saw how much I ate, my breathing picking up, knowing what I wanted to do. I covered my face with my hands, why did I eat, why, why, why? I wanted to scream, but instead, my breathing became erratic.

"Hey, hey, George, calm down alright, just breathe"

I look at Clay, still breathing heavily, he speaks again, "George, breathe with me okay? We're going to take deep breaths, inhale... exhale. Let's do that again alright? Inhale... exhale, in and out."

I grab onto his hand, breathing with him, trying to calm down. He holds onto me, whispering little compliments to me, making me blush. Once I've calmed down I look up at him and hug onto him for dear life, wrapping my legs around him. He hugs back, rubbing small circles into my back.

"T-thank you"

"Of course George," He whispers

I finally pull away, a crimson blush covering my face, muttering a quick sorry, before sitting in my spot again.

"Hey," he said as he tilted my head up to him, "don't apologize alright? That was out of your control, never apologize for that, okay?" he says as he drops his finger

"O-okay," I stutter as my face heats up even more.

The things I would do for him, the things he makes me feel, the things he makes me do, I really like him, even more than before. I know I don't have a chance with him and his straight ass, but he means the world to me, even though I've only known him for a day. 

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