Chapter 8

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I make it into my house, hearing Clay's car drive away. My mom waits at the door for me, with a huge smile on her face.

"How did it go?" She asked with raised eyebrows and a lovey-dovey voice

I took a deep breath and let it out,

"Wewerewatchingamoviethenhekindalikekissedmesouhyeah," I blur out (for my dyslexic besties, 'We were watching a movie then he kinda kissed me, so uh yeah')

"Ahhhh! My little boy! He had his first kiss! You had your first kiss! Oh my! I need to go tell your father!"

My eyes widen "D-Dad knows?" I shakily ask

"Of course! He's very proud of you George, even though he may not show it, now, go put your stuff down and come back downstairs."

"O-okay," I say, walking up the stairs anxiously

Was my dad really proud of me? His unathletic, nerdy, unpopular, gay son? He was proud of that? Of me, the human disappointment? Why would he even want to look at me? I don't believe it, I-I just can't. I set my bag down on the floor, composing myself by taking a deep breath and walking back downstairs. I put a fake smile on and meet both my parents sitting on the couch. My mom seems antsy as she sees me walk inside the living room.

"Okay George, so your dad and I have been talking, and... what do you think if we redo your room?!" She asks excitedly, making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding

"Really?" I ask with widened eyes

"Yeah! You must be tired of your room since to you it might be childish, but we know that you hate asking for things, so we decided to surprise you!"

"George, your mother and I give you full permission to buy whatever from Amazon with a limit, though we have yet to conclude what it is. Anyway, just buy whatever, maybe get some new art supplies, we just want you to be more comfortable here, okay?"

"Okay! Thank you! I'll- I won't spend too much! Thank you so much!" I say walking over to hug them both

With excited steps I go up and back into my room and sit on my bed, grabbing my laptop from my desk (which sits beside his bed). I open up Amazon and search for a few things. I was overwhelmed, in a way, with happiness. I thought that they were going to talk to me about like- something serious or really important, which I'm glad they didn't. On the search tab, I look at nice furniture and stuff, finding nice decorations and things that will just look perfect in my room. I even text Clay and ask him what piece of furniture looks better, to which he gave me his answer. It was so stupid, and he told me that I looked better. But in the end, after a few flustered texts, he gave me an actual answer.


It was Monday, the first day of the week, and... another day of school, but whatever, I get to see Clay, so, ya know. I get out a suitable outfit to wear and hop in the warm shower. This weekend was actually pretty fun. I ended up convincing Clay to come and help me redecorate my room later this week, but then he told me that I had to come to one of his football games, which I agreed to. I was finally doing better, and Clay helped me do that. He helped me feel better about myself.

After I was done getting ready; wearing dark blue straight cuffed jeans, a dark purple oversized long sleeve, and beaten-up air forces with beads on the laces. I was looking hot, and I knew it. I walked out of my house, locking the door and heading to school.

With lazy steps and short breaths, my walk to school was especially dreadful, realizing that I had a calculus test today. The sky was a dull grey, signifying that rain would soon come down. With light steps along the front stairs, I open the metal doors to the school. Obviously, without thought, I go to the library, knowing that no one could possibly bother me there. I walk through the doors, and something that doesn't half surprise me is that Clay sits in my usual chair.

"Hey," I say, walking over to the couch and sitting next to him

"Hi Georgie, how was your weekend?" He asks, caressing my cheek by running his finger over my skin

"Considering that you kissed me, we became boyfriends, and I get to redo my room, I'm doing pretty great." I smile, looking up to see him staring right at me

"Good," he says, kissing me sweetly on the lips, which makes me blush, then he continues, "how would you like to come to my game on Friday?" he asks

"I'd love to! Plus, I already agreed to go to your game for help with my room remodel" I whisper yell

"Oh yeah, well , thanks shortie"

I fake pout at the nickname but it slowly turns into a giggle between both of us. We just sit, staring at one another for a long while, needing nothing but each other's company.

Eventually, and unfortunately, the bell rings, and I slowly get off Clay's lap and slouch to class.

My head feels like it's spinning, and my hearing seems fuzzy. I don't feel very good, like at all. I take my phone out in class with shaky hands and text Clay, asking him to meet me by my locker after class. To which he responds with an okay and a <3 heart. I smile drowsily and try to focus on the teacher's words. But it seems like the words slur together like peanut butter and jelly. It's like my brain is foggy. My stomach hurts, my head hurts, I feel weird, but I don't know what's wrong.

The bell rings and I rush out of class, feeling like I'm going to vomit. But I make it to my locker like I had said and go to Peter.

"George? Are you okay?"

"N-no, I feel..." before I could finish my sentence, darkness clouded my vision and I felt my body hit the floor.

The next thing I know, I wake up in an unfamiliar room, with bright lights shining down on me. What the hell just happened?

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