Chapter 12

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After I had gotten released from the hospital, I headed home, though I couldn't stay for long, which honestly was kind of disappointing. Clay helped me pack the essentials, and helped me find clothes that wouldn't be confiscated at the mental hospital. My parents and Clay promised that they would visit me every day, which made me a bit happy. But now, I'm sitting in a bland room, with a thin, anti-suffocating blanket, and grippy socks. I mean, to me, the grippy socks were a plus, but I didn't like how the blanket felt. I asked if the doctors could give me a paperback notebook, which they said yes to, and along with that, I got a pencil.

It's sorta sad that I have to be here alone for a week, but I know it's for the best, and that I can at least try to get better here. But there is one thing that scares me the most- well two things actually. I now, have to talk to someone, also I got put on red flag, and I got put on priority therapy. I mean, technically it wasn't bad, but I just hate telling people, and just- dumping everything on one person. To me, it just doesn't seem right, and I don't know how talking to someone can help. Second thing I'm most scared about is the eating thing. I have to eat three meals a day. I can't eat three meals. I can hardly do one meal. But if I don't eat then I'm going to be put on an eating disorder watch, which also might make me stay in here for longer than I have to. But, something interrupts my thoughts, the sound of the door opening.

"Hello," said a small voice.

"Hello? Are you my new roommate?"

"Yeah, uh- I won't bother you or anything... I mean- sorry," they mutter

I now take the time to look up at who was talking. There was a boy, younger than me, wearing nothing but a medical gown and socks. No bags, no nothing. The doctor who had brought him in looked saddened, so I gestured for him to walk in and settle himself on the bed next to mine. I mouthed, 'thank you' to the doctor, and they left.

"What's your name?"

"Uh- I'm Tommy, I'm 15"

"Cool, well, I'm George. What brought you in here? If you're comfortable telling me that is."

"Uh- I-I um struggle with OCD and anxiety, but- um... my parents got tired of me, sent me here, and said goodbye. So now I'm up for adoption because my parents don't want me."

"Oh my, I'm-I'm so sorry,"I say as I walk over to him, hugging him softly after he nodded as a 'yes' to the hug.

"Well, I have some extra clothes that I brought just in case I needed them, which I probably won't, so here."

I gave him a few pairs of clothes and he smiled at me. I mean he probably fit into them, since he was abnormally tall, versus me who was short and rather skinny. He quickly changes into the clothes which he felt happy about by the small smile on his face. We conversed for a bit more after that. That was until a nurse knocked on the door.

"It's dinner time," she said and walked away.

My face flushed white, I did not want to eat. I just couldn't.

"Come on, let's go eat!"

"Y-yeah, one second," I said as I got off the bed.

Despite the churning feeling in my stomach, I followed Tommy through the halls. We arrived at a large cafeteria room and made our way into what seemed to be the line. We both eventually grabbed our food, which was already served on paper trays. Tommy and I both sit at the same table, sitting in silence while he eats, while I just sit there.

"George? Are you going to eat?"

"No, I'm not really hungry right now," I stated.

Eventually Tommy finished his meal, so I followed him back to our room, though at the doorway I said, "I'm going to ask one of the nurses if I can call my parents, I'll be back."

I walk to the closet nurse I see and ask if I can call my parents. She said yes and she walked me to the telephone that patients could use. So, I dialed my mom's number and listened as the phone rang.

"Hello?" I hear a humble but familiar voice ask.

"Hey Mom, it's George" I smile a bit.

"Oh! George! What a lovely surprise. Did you get settled in well? Do you need anything? Is the food good?-"

"Mom, I've settled in nicely. But I'd like to talk to you about something."

"Okay, well go ahead"

"I have a roommate, his name is Tommy, and because of his mental problems, his parents kicked him out and put him up for adoption. Do you think we can help him?" I ask, hoping that she agrees.

"Oh my goodness, yes, I can help him, I will ask your dad to see what we can do. Thank you for bringing this up sweetie. I love you," she coos

"I love you too mom, see you tomorrow?"

"Yep, me, dad, and Clay too."

"Okay, thanks Mom."

I hang up the phone, walking back to my room, ready to just fall asleep. Walking down the linoleum floors made me just want to go to bed even more. The hallway seemed like it was all the same, with dim lights and doors identical to the next. The old lights buzz above my head as I walk back to my room. My head feels heavy and my eyelids begin to close. I struggle to keep walking, my hearing becoming fuzzy along with my vision. I walk into my room, seeing Tommy just sitting on his bed. He asks me something, but I don't quite register what he's saying. He stands up and stretches. I saw that before I fall to the ground, and pass out.

My heartbeat pounds through my head as I wake up, my eyes adjusting to the light, confused on where I am. I look around to see Clay sitting on a chair, with my parents by my bed.

"What happened?" I mutter, my voice raspy, accent potent.

"Oh, George dear, you're awake. It seemed like you've been very malnourished... have you not been eating, sweetie?"

Tears prickle in the corner of my eyes as I hear her words. Words of concern. She shouldn't have ever found out. I look around, trying to see if someone could help me. Then I lock eyes with Clay, silently begging for help. He gestures for my mom and dad to leave, to which they did.

"Hey George," he smiles

That smile, that addictive, and cute smile, the smile that lights up a whole room. That's Clay's smile. I smile back at him, even though mine may look awkward, I smile back. He makes me want to smile. He makes me want to live.

Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for freaking 230 reads! Like holy crap that's so cool!!!! Love you all lots and stay safe. If you ever need someone to talk to you can always DM, if you don't need someone to talk to but just want a friend, then I can do that too :]]]]]


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