chapter two

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Niall's POV:

"Niall!" I heard Harry shout, running up to me to pull me into a hug. It had been about two months since I had seen him.

For the summer, my family and I took a trip back home to Ireland for my cousin's wedding. My cousin, Amanda, was getting married to her high school sweetheart whose name was Noah.

They wanted to get married in our hometown, Mullingar, but the two of them lived in Dublin, about an hour away.

I had gotten back home last night but I was absolutely exhausted so I had told Harry that we could hang out tonight rather than during the day so I could get some rest.

"I haven't seen you in so long," Harry said, his words mumbled into my chest from how tight he was hugging me.

"H you act like I'm not gonna be spending all of college as your roommate," I teased, the two of us committing to play soccer at Cal Poly.

I knew that I wanted to keep playing soccer in college especially after how well our team did in high school but I was fearful that maybe I wasn't good enough to play college level.

I remember that Harry got the scouts from Cal Poly to talk to him way before anyone talked to me and I was scared. I really wanted to play but I didn't think they were going to ask me.

"Niall Horan?" I heard someone ask at the end of our game. I was helping Coach clean up some stuff to take back to the locker rooms.

"Yeah that's me," I said, responding to the person. I looked up to see one of the scouts standing there, my coach also walking over so they could talk to me.

"I'm David Mitchell," he said, holding out his hand so I could shake it. "I'm one of the scouts from Cal Poly SLO."

"We've been watching you play for a while now and we wanted to offer you a full ride to our school to play soccer. We would've asked you sooner but we assumed multiple colleges would've been scouting you."

"Really?" I asked, not believing they actually wanted me. "I didn't think anyone wanted me to play for them."

"Well we do Niall. We've seen your skills and you're amazing at soccer. We think you'd make a great addition to our team; we've even got Harry Styles, your teammate, on our team and I've seen the two of you play together. Your dynamic is impeccable and I would love to see that on our team," he explained. I was in absolute shock, not realizing they actually wanted me to play for them.

This was my dream, to play soccer in college as well as go to college with my best friend.

"Here's the contract," David said, handing a packet of papers over to me. "Look over it with your parents or your guardian, sign it, and get back to me or give it to your coach. We hope you accept our offer."

David patted my back before shaking hands with my coach, walking away.

"See I told you son," Coach Ramos said. "You were freaking out for so long and here you are. A full ride to play at your dream school. I always believed in you."

"Come on let's sit down," Harry said, snapping me out of the small flashback I had.

We both moved to sit down at one of the tables, waiting for our other friend, Adam to show up. The three of us were good friends in high school but Adam was following his dreams of playing football for University of Oregon meaning he had been there all summer for practice.

He was coming back this week to visit family and to hang out with us before school started and we got too busy.

"There he is," Harry said, getting up from the booth to hug Adam. Harry was obsessed with hugging people. I don't know where the man got it from especially since neither of his sisters were big on physical touch and hugging other people.

put a little love on me // niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now