chapter twelve

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Niall's POV:

"Come on boys," Coach Ledger said as we were practicing for our scrimmage tonight against one of our rival schools, especially one that we've been trying to beat for years.

They were a good team but we had a friendly rivalry between us when it came to soccer and soccer only. We were all friends outside of the sport but when it came to games or scrimmages, everyone was supporting their own teams and just waiting for the results.

"Alright since the scrimmage is tonight I'm gonna give you guys a break until 5 okay?" Coach said, making everyone nod their heads in response. "Make sure you take lots of rest and don't overwork yourselves please."

"Horan stay back for a few minutes," Coach said while everyone started to walk away. I was confused why he wanted to talk to me but I stayed there for a little while to see what he wanted to talk about.

"What's up Coach?" I asked him. "Do you need help?"

"No, no that's not why I asked you to stay behind," he replied, patting me on the back before standing in front of me. "I know you and Harry typically play midfield and forward during games but is there any way either of you could switch positions for tonight? Tonight's just a scrimmage so I want to see what would happen if you two switched positions since we don't have to necessarily worry about winning the game tonight. It's just an idea, and you can talk to Styles about this too but just let me know before the game."

"Yeah sure thing Coach," I responded before walking away and heading back to the locker room. That was random to me especially because Coach wanted the two of us on the team because of our dynamic but it didn't bother me too much.

Harry and I had typically switched in the past, but I was normally forward and he was almost always midfield. There were a few times where that changed if someone on our team was injured but it wasn't super often that one of us wasn't playing one of the two positions.

I finally got back to the locker room and started changing when I noticed a text from Tate pop up on my phone. My mouth instantly grew into a smile to see my pretty girl texting me after soccer practice and I was excited.

tatum styles:

how was practice

niall horan:

Fun but tiring

Coach asked if Harry and I wanted to switch positions for the scrimmage tonight so I have to talk to him about that

tatum styles:

are you planning on switching

wouldn't it be weird

niall horan:

I mean it's fine honestly

We've done it before so it doesn't affect me too much

tatum styles:

that's good

niall horan:

Are you coming tonight?

I wanna see you

I was kind of scared to tell her that I missed her cause I didn't know how she'd respond but I just went for it to see what she would say.

tatum styles:

idk niall

i have a lot of homework and college stuff to do tonight

put a little love on me // niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now