Chapter 1-Winters ball

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~Brinley's perspective~

It was a week or two before Christmas break, and you could tell.

People at Hogwarts seemed to enjoy Christmas alot, and you could always find people with reindeer antlers, elf ear headbands, Santa hats, or just holiday sweaters.

The school was less harsh on the dress code around this time, and people could wear anything appropriate for school, and 11 year olds to see.

It was the day before the Winters ball and many people were being asked to go, you couldn't walk down three hallways before seeing a proposal from one student to another.

It was early in the morning, breakfast hadn't even started yet, and Tatum still hadn't woken up. I ran over to her and flopped dramatically onto her.

"Tatum, pssstttt!" I whispered in her ear. "Wake up!"

"Brin go back to sleep." She said, trying to push me off and failing.

"I can't!" I said dramatically "I'm awake now, so we have to go eat!"

"Go eat by yourself Brinley." she said sarcastically, pushing me off this time.

I thought, then climbed back onto her, opening her eyes.

"But they have peppermint pancakes today." I said, smiling

She thought for a few seconds.

"Fine, c'mon let's go Brin, hurry up, get dressed." She said, sitting up.

I had totally forgotten I was in my PJs....

I grabbed a white long sleeve dress I had in my suitcase and put red and white leggings I had gotten as an early gift from Luna underneath them. I quickly braided my hair into pigtails and turned around to find Tatum in her normal t-shirt and jeans she wore around the holidays, with a black long-sleeve shirt underneath, because it was obviously cold.

Our first class after breakfast was flying, then I had potions. The rest of the classes went by as usual and I was off to go and meet with the quidditch team for an extra practice since tomorrow took away from the practice time with he Winters ball and we had a game in three days.

I'm on the quidditch team, yes. I'm the Ravenclaw seeker. And a pretty good one too.

Before I knew it, I was going to sleep after laying out a cute sweater and leggings for tomorrow and double-checking my homework.

I went to bed, having no dreams, and woke up the next day. Again the day went by way to fast and then-

"C'mon Brin, ten minutes then we need to head down." Tatum said, slipping on her dress.

She had on a short red dress, white gloves, black leggings, a white cardigan, and black boots.

I hurried up, zipping up my dress. I had a long, princess-like, light blue dress on, with sequins and a soft, white puffy coat. Tatum turned around a gasped softly.

"Brinley, you look like a princess..."

I smiled.

"Thanks Tatum."

We went downstairs and I turned around the last corner on the staircase and walked down to the groups of my friends who were meeting.

They all turned towards me, eyes going wide and gasping.

I literally looked like a modern day Cinderella walking down, one of the advantages of having rich parents.

I never showed off. Ever. I didn't use my money to show I was better, and I acted like I was normal.

This was a one time thing, because my mum and dad had insisted, so I didn't mind.

When I walked down, Luna grabbed my hand. She was my official date.

Ron and Hermione went together, stupid cute couple, and Harry and Ginny as well. Whatever, I was fine single.

Tatum was too, but she didn't want a date to the ball at all. She declined all the boys who had asked, and some girls who had too.

We walked in and, no it didn't get silent but it did get a bit quieter, and alot of eyes went to me.

I wasn't popular, but I was pretty. Most considered me a "pretty girl" and I was known by that name. Others knew my mum or dad, and would wave or smile in the hallways. Others ignored me.

I didn't mind the staring, it happened when with my dad, but here it felt... Different.

Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to go dance with their partner. Me and Luna followed

Tatum didn't like dances, so she sat at a table and glared at anyone who dared try to sit by her

After a bit, Luna went to go talk to Neville about something, so I went to get a drink. I grabbed a cup of fruit punch and was walking back to the table when I bumped into someone, spilling punch all over their shirt.

"I am so, so, sorry!" I said, looking up at them.

It was Draco fucking Malfoy.

"Watch where your goin-" he started, looking up and seeing it was me, his expression changed. "Oh it's just you Riders" He said.

"Yeah..." I said, confused. Me and Draco were definitely not friends, but not quite enemies either. He teased my friends for being half-bloods or mudbloods, but he had always stayed clear of me, presumably because our fathers were friends, and our mothers close too.

I looked down at my dress and realized I had spilt punch on myself too.

"Shoot mum and dad will kill me." I said

"Tch, c'mon."

He grabbed my hand and took me to the Slytherin dorms.

"Why are you taking me here?"

"Because it's the closest of our two dorms, and you're shivering."

That I was.

He took me to his dorm and threw (more like tossed) me a t-shirt.

"What's this for..?" I asked

"To change, obviously. Stupid Riders."

"Oh uh... Thanks..."

I sat there.

"Are you gonna change?" He asked, annoyed

"Well- uhm-"

"I won't look Riders. I may be a bitch but I have manners y'know."

He turned around and I quickly unzipped my dress and slipped on his t-shirt.

I was warm and smelt like him. The smell of apples and fresh pap-

Stop. He's an annoying Slytherin who cares too much about blood status.

But he's a hot Slytherin.

Did I just think that-

I was distracted from my thoughts by cold hands on my shoulders.

I turned around slowly, looking up at him, as he was a few inches taller than me.

His eyes had a flare of lust in them as he lifted my chin up with his hand.

"You said you weren't going to look Malfoy..." I mumbled, lost by how pretty he looked in the dim lighting of his dorm.

"I couldn't resist Riders.." He said, kissing me softly.

And I bet you can guess how that ended up, here's a hint: The t-shirt ended up on the ground, and I didn't make it back to the ball that night.


How'd you like it?

If you have any suggestions for this story, I would love to hear them. I based parts of this on a story I read a while back, I can't remember the name but it is a Wattpad story.

Have a good day, and remember that voting makes mine all that much better <3


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